criminology a level

This class was created by Brainscape user Felix Costa. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Unit 1.1
Definition of white collar crime,
Give 2 white collar crimes,
Definition of a ponzi scheme
47  cards
Unit 1.2
Define common assault,
Personal reasons for not reportin...,
Social reasons for not reporting ...
17  cards
Unit 1.3
What is the ripple effect,
Why do cultural differences or cu...,
Define decriminalization
9  cards
Unit 1.4
How does the tv portray crime,
Name an example of crime shows on tv,
How do films portray crime
9  cards
Unit 1.5
Define moral panic,
Give an example of moral panic,
Define deviancy amplification
12  cards
Unit 1.6
0  cards
Unit 2.1 (3.2 Evaluation included)
What is the xyy theory,
Who pushed the xyy theory,
How useful is the xxy theory for ...
15  cards
Unit 2.2
What was the basis of freuds theory,
What do the id ego and superego,
What are strengths of freuds theory
11  cards
Unit 2.3
What did bonger 1905 say about crime,
What did chambliss argue about crime,
How do marxists view society
15  cards
Unit 3.1
What theories might explain fred ...,
What theories might explain rober...,
What theories might explain nick ...
3  cards
Unit 4.1
0  cards
Unit 4.2
0  cards
Unit 4.3
0  cards
Sociological Theories Evaluation
What are the key points of left r...,
What are the positives of left re...,
What are the issues with left rea...
9  cards
Right Realism Thatcher
What where thatchers view on crime,
Which policies did she implement,
What were issues with these polices
3  cards
Tony Blair (Left Realism)
What is left realism,
What is relative deprivation,
What is social exclusion
8  cards
Deviancy and Cybercrime
What is admired behaviour,
What is harmful behaviour,
What is odd behaviour
14  cards
Death Penalty
What did amnesty international find,
Does it work
2  cards

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criminology a level

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