This class was created by Brainscape user Jason Fracchia. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (25)

Assistive and Adaptive Equipment
What are the indications for usin...,
What is the proper fit for parall...,
What is the good fit for a standa...
13  cards
Diagnostic Imaging
What is arteriography what is it ...,
What is arthrography what is it u...,
What is a bone scan what is it us...
13  cards
What is a corset what is it used for,
What is a halo vest orthosis what...,
What is a milwaukee orthosis what...
20  cards
Tubes, Lines, and Medical Equipment
Arterial lines a lines should you...,
Is exercise possible with patient...,
What is a nasogastric tube what i...
23  cards
Wheelchair Prescription and Mobility
How should you measure a wheelcha...,
How should you measure a wheelcha...,
How should you measure a wheelcha...
50  cards
Biofeedback and Electromyography
What is electromyography,
What electrical pattern should mu...,
What do spontaneous potentials du...
17  cards
Cryotherapy, Superficial Heat, and Hydrotherapy
What is the therapeutic effect of...,
What are the indications of cryot...,
What are the contraindications fo...
34  cards
What are the therapeutic effects ...,
What are the indications for comp...,
What are the contraindications fo...
8  cards
What is iontophoresis,
What are the indication for ionto...,
What are the contraindications fo...
15  cards
What are the therapeutic effects ...,
What are the indications for e stim,
What are the contraindications fo...
31  cards
What is the therapeutic effect of...,
What are the indications for trac...,
What are the contraindications fo...
9  cards
What is the purpose of ultrasound,
What are the indications for ultr...,
What are the contraindications fo...
19  cards
CPR Basics
What is the normal cpr sequence,
What is good compression rate for...,
What is the necessary compression...
5  cards
Emergent Conditions
What is a pulmonary embolism how ...,
What is hypovolemic shock how doe...,
What is autonomic dysreflexia how...
11  cards
Gait Training
Which levels of weight bearing re...,
What is a two point gait pattern,
What is a three point gait pattern
8  cards
Infection Control
When should you wash your hands a...,
When should you wear gloves as a ...,
When should you wear a mask as a ...
11  cards
What is an independent transfer,
What is a supervision transfer,
What is a contact guard transfer
16  cards
What are the five titles that the...,
What is the criteria for an indiv...,
How long should a ramp be for eve...
13  cards
Ethics, Legal, and Health Insurance
What is beneficence,
What is duty,
What is fidelity
26  cards
Teaching and Learning
What is maslows hierarchy of need...,
What is classical conditioning,
What is operant conditioning what...
16  cards
Experimental Design
What is a clinical trial,
What is a completely randomized r...,
What is a crossover design
21  cards
Levels of Evidence
What is the order for the hierarc...,
What is a systematic review,
What is a meta analysis
10  cards
Reliability and Validity
What is alternate forms reliability,
What is internal consistency,
What is intra rater reliability
12  cards
Research Concepts
What are the elements of the pico...,
What is descriptive research what...,
What is experimental research wha...
16  cards
Sampling and Statistics
What is population,
What is a sample,
What is sampling error
33  cards

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non-systems npte

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