This class was created by Brainscape user Jesh Kumar. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Action Verbs
18  cards
Light as a Wave
What is huygen s principle,
What is refraction,
When does refraction occur
13  cards
What is resonance,
When does wave resonance occur,
Why are resonant frequencies used...
3  cards
Standing Waves
What is a standing wave
1  cards
What is diffraction
1  cards
What do polarising filters do for...,
What s a conclusion that can be d...,
Why can only em waves be polarise...
3  cards
What does the refractive index me...,
What is refraction,
What is the critical angle
3  cards
Colour Dispersion through Prisms
What is colour dispersion,
What is white light,
What happens when a high frequenc...
5  cards
Colour Dispersion through Lenses
What happens with a concave diver...,
What happens with a convex conver...
2  cards
Glossary Terms
2  cards
Light Waves
How do you calculate the angle of...,
What does the angle of deviation ...,
What is refraction
14  cards
Mechanical Waves
What are similarities and differe...,
When does the doppler effect occur,
How does a loudspeaker create sou...
4  cards
Standing Waves
When does a standing wave occur f...,
When does a standing wave occur f...,
What is the first overtone for a ...
7  cards
Photoelectric Effect
What is planck s quantisation theory,
Whatis the photoelectric effect,
What is an electron volt
21  cards
Light & Matter
What is de broglie s wavelength,
What happens if the de broglie wa...,
Why do we use electron microscope...
24  cards
Production of Light
What is the cause of light produc...,
What are the features of laser light,
What is the valence band
12  cards

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physics 3 & 4

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