marine mammal medicine

This class was created by Brainscape user Michael McEntire. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (35)

Marine Mammal Taxonomy & Natural History
Two suborders of cetacea,
Scientific names for bottlenose d...,
Odontocete families
4  cards
Marine Mammal Husbandry & Enrichment
Aphis regulation for amount of co...,
Operant conditioning can be used ...,
Marine mammal welfare
8  cards
Marine Mammal Nutrition
Thiamine deficiency cause and cli...,
What forms rapidly in fish tissue...,
Mm thermoregulation
5  cards
Marine Mammal Preventative Medicine
Mm zoonosis transmission,
Mm viral zoonoses,
Mm bacterial zoonoses
5  cards
Marine Mammal Restraint & Anesthesia
What drug has been used for smoot...,
Inhalational anesthetic of choice...,
Dive response
10  cards
Marine Mammal Diagnostics & Clinical Pathology
Where to obtain bone marrow samples,
Phlebotomy sites in cetaceans,
Clin path analytes helpful as ind...
9  cards
Marine Mammal Diagnostic Imaging
Mm imaging modalities,
Mm us,
Mm endoscopy
6  cards
Marine Mammal Surgery
0  cards
Marine Mammal Therapeutics
Acute negative side effects with ...,
Which anti parasitic med causes c...,
Drugs that have caused fatal adve...
14  cards
Marine Mammal Virology
Characteristic lesion of pox viru...,
Most common herpesvirus in cetaceans,
Mm viral isolation
23  cards
Marine Mammal Bacteriology
Causative agent of brucellosis in...,
Mm septicemia,
Mm pneumonia
18  cards
Marine Mammal Parasitology
Whale lice spp infesting callosit...,
Barnacle spp on gray whales used ...,
Parasite within pterygoid sinuses...
26  cards
Marine Mammal Mycology
Causative agent of lacaziosis,
Mm fungal prevalence,
Mm fungal virulence
9  cards
Marine Mammal Behavioral Disorders
0  cards
Marine Mammal Cardiology
Mm cardiothoracic anatomy,
Cetacean cardiothoracic anatomy,
Pinniped cardiothoracic anatomy
4  cards
Marine Mammal Dentistry & Oral Health
Mm dental anatomy,
Mm dental formulas,
Mm dental diseases
9  cards
Marine Mammal Dermatology
Cetacean derm,
Pinniped derm,
Manatee derm
4  cards
Marine Mammal Emergency & Critical Care
Prognostic indicators for strande...
1  cards
Marine Mammal Endocrinology
Cetacean thyroid,
Pinniped thyroid
2  cards
Marine Mammal Gastroenterology
Cetacean stomach,
Manatee gi
2  cards
Marine Mammal Hematologic & Coagulopathic Disorders
0  cards
Marine Mammal Immunology
Cetacean hemolymphatics,
Pinniped hemolymphatics
2  cards
Marine Mammal Musculoskeletal Disorders & Orthopedics
Mm ms anatomy,
Cetacean ms,
Pinniped ms
4  cards
Marine Mammal Nephrology & Urology
Urolithiasis bottlenose dolphins,
Cetacean kidney anatomy
2  cards
Marine Mammal Neurology & Special Senses
Cetacean nervous system,
Cetacean communication
2  cards
Marine Mammal Oncology
0  cards
Marine Mammal Ophthalmology
Cetacean eye anatomy,
Cetacean eye physiology,
Cetacean corneal diseases
13  cards
Marine Mammal Otorhinolaryngology
0  cards
Marine Mammal Pulmonology
Sea otter lungs
1  cards
Marine Mammal Theriogenology & Neonatology
Estrus synchronization hormone an...,
When during cycle to perform ai,
Gestation period bottlenose dolphins
8  cards
Marine Mammal Toxicology
General oil toxicity,
Sea otter oil,
Pinniped oil
29  cards
Cetacean taxonomy,
Cetacean unique anatomy,
Cetacean cardiovascular anatomy
101  cards
Pinniped open foramen,
Pinniped odobenidae,
Pinniped otarridae
99  cards
Dugong tusks are modifications of...,
What type of gi tract do sirenia ...,
Name 3 sequelae of boat strike in...
59  cards
Sea Otters
1  cards

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marine mammal medicine

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