This class was created by Brainscape user Jay Sandoval. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

What is react,
How do you use components,
What does a component take as par...
12  cards
What is jsx,
Why jsx,
How can you embed expressions in jsx
11  cards
Rendering elements
What are react elements,
Elements components,
Rendering an element into the dom
5  cards
Components & Props
What are components,
Functional components,
Rendering a component
11  cards
Using State correctly
Do not modify state directly,
State updates may be asynchronous,
State updates are merged
3  cards
Data flow
State is encapsulated,
Top down data flow
2  cards
Handling Events
What are some syntax differences ...,
What is the syntheticevent in react,
How do you access the underlying ...
9  cards
Conditional rendering
Conditional rendering,
How does conditional rendering wo...,
Element variables
6  cards
Lists & Keys
Rendering multiple components,
Basic list component,
What is a key
6  cards
Controlled components single sour...,
Example of controlled component s...,
Controlled component react state
7  cards
Lifting up state
Lifting up state,
Single source of truth,
Lifting up state and debugging
4  cards
React Dev Tools
Inspecting debugging
1  cards
Composition with functional compo...,
Composition with class components
2  cards
Thinking in react
Step 1 break the ui into a compon...,
How do you know what should be a ...,
Component hierarchy
11  cards
What are refs,
When to use refs,
Don t overuse refs
6  cards
Render props
What does render prop mean,
What is render props mainly used for,
Using props other than render
4  cards
What does context do,
Passing data from parent child an...,
When to use context
12  cards
What are hooks,
Hooks and small functions,
What are side effects in react
8  cards
Using the State Hook
What does calling usestate do,
What do we pass to usestate as an...,
What would you do if you wanted t...
13  cards
Using the Effect Hook
Describe useeffect,
What happens when you call useeffect,
When does useeffect run
21  cards
Rules of react hooks
Rule 1 only call hooks at the top...,
Rule 2 only call hooks from react...
2  cards
Using the Context Hook
When does the usecontext hook rer...,
What argument does usecontext take
4  cards

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