This class was created by Brainscape user Ewan Christie. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (78)

Unit 1 - DNA and the Genome - Structure of DNA
Nucleic acids,
Nucleotide composition,
Genetic information
10  cards
Unit 1 DNA and the Genome
Dna organisation in prokaryotes
14  cards
DNA replication
First stage of dna replication ap...,
Second stage applies to both lead...,
11  cards
Polymerase Chain Reaction
What is pcr,
How much does one cycle of pcr in...
20  cards
Genetic Code and Proteins
How does the variety of protein s...,
Protein functions,
13  cards
Structure and function of RNA
Differences between dna and rna,
Types of rna
6  cards
Gene expression
Gene expression basic overview,
How is gene expression influenced,
How many cells are expressed
4  cards
Transcription basic overview,
Start and end of transcription,
Enzyme used in transcription and ...
10  cards
Modification of the Primary Transcript
Why splicing is necessary
6  cards
4  cards
Process of Translation
Part 1,
Part 2,
Part 3
8  cards
One gene many proteins
0  cards
Cellular differentiation
Cellular differentiation in multi...,
Differentiation definition,
How does cell differentiation occur
16  cards
Extended answer for cellular differentiation
Differentiation of stem cells poi...,
Differentiation of stem cells 4 6,
Differentiation of stem cells 7 10
5  cards
Structure of genome
Genome definition,
Genome composition,
Purpose of non coding regions of dna
6  cards
Mutations definition,
Without external factors influenr...,
Mutagenic agents radiation
7  cards
Single gene mutations
Single gene mutations definition,
Single gene mutation substitution,
Single gene mutation insertion
12  cards
Chromosome structure mutations
Chromosome structure mutations,
Chromosome structure mutation dup...,
Evolutionary importance of gene d...
7  cards
Mutations extended answer
Notes on single gene mutations 1 ...,
Notes on single gene mutations 5 ...,
Notes on chromosome mutations a b...
4  cards
Evolution definition,
How is genetic material transferred,
Vertical transfer
12  cards
Natural selection
Natural selection,
Process of natural selection,
Quantitative traits
8  cards
Speciation definition,
Species definition,
2 types of speciation
9  cards
Extended answer - Isolation and Mutation / Selection
Isolation and mutation 1 2 and 3,
Isolation and mutation 4 5 and 6,
Selection 1 and 2
5  cards
Genomic sequencing
What is the genome,
Genomic sequencing
12  cards
How to find how closely related l...,
Molecular clocks
10  cards
Food production
Why is there an increasing demand...,
Food security definition,
Environmental degradation caused by
11  cards
Light absorption
What is light,
Visible light,
Colours wavelength from low to high
13  cards
Never make same mistake twice!
Complex carbohydrate formed from ...,
What does atp do to g3p,
What two things are required for ...
11  cards
Photosynthesis Stage 1
Stage 1 known as,
Overview of stage 1,
Production of atp by lightphotoph...
4  cards
Photosynthesis summary
Photosynthesis equation,
Factors affecting photosynthesis
2  cards
Calvin Cycle (Carbon fixation stage)
Part 1,
Part 2,
Part 3
4  cards
Design features chromatography
Grind up leaves with sand,
Use acetone,
Filter mixture
11  cards
Plant and animal breeding to improve characteristics
Selective breeding,
Characteristics selected for by b...
2  cards
Plant field trials
What can plant field trials be se...,
What do reliable and valid field ...,
Selection of treatments
5  cards
Two types of variation,
Discrete variation,
Continuous variation
5  cards
Plant and animal breeding
5  cards
Why does selective breeding lead ...,
6  cards
Cross breeding and F1 hybrids
What do crossbred population show,
What will the crossbred be used for
8  cards
Genetic technology
Genetic technology,
Recombinant dna technology,
What can recombinant dna technolo...
4  cards
Weeds, pests and diseases
Problems with monoculture,
11  cards
Control of weeds, pests and diseases by cultural methods
Cultural methods description,
Removal of weeds
5  cards
19  cards
Biological controls and IPM
Biological control,
Predator example,
Parasite example
7  cards
Never make same mistake twice - prelim
Step 1 of pcr,
Remember when talking about graph...,
When talking about rubp concentra...
5  cards
Animal welfare
Animal welfare,
Main indicators of animal welfare,
Five freedoms for animal welfare
23  cards
Two types of symbiosis,
Mutualistic symbiotic relationship
19  cards
Biodiversity - components of biodiversity
3 measurable components of biodiv...,
Genetic diversity,
What can happen if one population...
8  cards
Threats to biodiversity
Over exploitation,
How to avoid over exploitation
6  cards
Biodiversity- habitats
Habitat fragmentation,
Causes of habitat fragmentation,
Effect of habitat fragmentation
4  cards
Biodiversity - introduced species
Introduced species,
Naturalised species,
Invasive species
4  cards
Social behaviour - social groups
3 behaviours animals have that ar...,
Social hierarchy,
How is the dominant position in a...
13  cards
Social behaviour- altruism and kin selection
Reciprocal altruism,
Kin selection
4  cards
Social behaviour - social insects
Social insects,
A truly social insect will have,
Reproduction and survival of the ...
8  cards
Primate behaviour
What do primate groups require,
How do primates take care of ther...
12  cards
Extended answer on biodiversity and its measurements
Marks 1 and 2,
Marks 3 and 4,
Marks 5 and 6
3  cards
Extended answer on invasive species
Marks 1 and 2,
Marks 3 and 4,
Marks 5 and 6
3  cards
Extended answer on parasites
Marks 1 and 2,
Marks 3 4 and 5,
Mark 6
3  cards
Cell metabolism,
Metabolic pathways,
What do metabolic pathways do
9  cards
Proteins in the membrane
Cell membrane consists of,
The cell membrane is permeability,
How are molecules transported acr...
10  cards
How are metabolic pathways contro...,
How do reactions start,
What do enzymes do to reactions
9  cards
Control of enzymes
Factors affecting enzyme activity,
Ways of regulating enzyme activity,
3 types of inhibitors
11  cards
Extended answer - competitive and non-competitive inhibition
Marks 1 and 2,
Marks 3 4 and 5
2  cards
Extended answer on catabolism and anabolism
Marks 1 and 2,
Marks 3 and 4,
Marks 5 and 6
3  cards
Extended answer on social hierarchy and competitive hunting
Marks 1 and 2,
Marks 3 and 4,
Marks 5 6 and 7
3  cards
Extended answer social insects
Marks 1 and 2,
Marks 3 4 and 5
2  cards
Respiration general formula,
Atp and it s use
28  cards
Primate social behaviour extended answer
Marks 1 and 2,
Marks 3 4 and 5
2  cards
Fermentation conditions,
Fermentation takes place in,
Atp produced compared to aerobic ...
8  cards
Measurement of metabolic rate
Metabolic rate,
Unit of metabolic rate,
3 ways of measuring metabolic rate
11  cards
Why do high metabolic rates requi...,
Order of metabolic rates of amphi...,
19  cards
Metabolism in conformers and regulators
Abiotic factors that can affect a...,
Two ways organisms can respond to...,
Conformer definition
12  cards
Physiological homeostasis,
How is homeostasis brought about,
Does negative feedback require en...
29  cards
Environmental control of metabolism
Three domains of life andone exam...,
Uses of microbes
30  cards
Metabolism in adverse conditions
Adverse conditions,
What happens if organisms have no...,
How do organisms survive these ad...
17  cards
Avoiding adverse conditions
How can adverse conditions be avo...,
What does migration allow
16  cards
Genetic control of metabolism
Wild type strain,
Wild type strain phenotype,
How can the pure strains of these...
28  cards
Fermentation in animals products,
When drawing conclusions remember,
Effect of mutations in the region...
7  cards
4 Mark extended response
2 possible qs,
Crop protection
2  cards

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higher biology

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