ah biology

This class was created by Brainscape user malaika imran. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

U1 -KA2 - PROTEINS - 1)proteins + synthesis of lipids and proteins
What is the proteome,
What is a genome,
What do non coding rna genes include
43  cards
U1-KA4 -COMMUNICATION AND SIGNALLING 1) hydrophobic signals and hydrophilic signals
Multicellular organisms show divi...,
In a multicellular it is essentia...,
How is communication achieve in m...
32  cards
U1-KA3-MEMBRAN PROTEINS- 2)Ion Transport Pumps And Generation Of Ion Gradients
How is an electrochemical ion gra...,
How is electrical potential diffe...,
What is the sodium potassium pump
11  cards
U1 KA3 - MEMBRANE PROTEINS -1)movement Of Molecules Across Membranes
What is the structure of the plas...,
What are membranes composed of,
Phospholipid molecule composition
21  cards
U1-KA2 - PROTEINS - 3)ligand binding/conformation and reversible binding of phosphate + control of conformation
What is a ligand,
What does the binding of a ligand...,
How does ligand binding happen
37  cards
U1-KA2 - PROTEINS- 2)protein Structure
What are amino acids,
What is a monomer,
Proteins are ________ of amino ac...
43  cards
U1-KA4-COMMUNICATION AND SIGNALLING 2)insulin and recruitment of glut4
What is diabetes mellitus,
The two types of diabetes how are...,
What limits should blood glucose ...
8  cards
U1-KA4-COMMUNICATION AND SIGNALLING 3)nerve impulse transmission
What is the resting membrane pote...,
All cells have an _________ _____...,
In neurons what is the the membra...
23  cards
What is the retina,
What two types of cells are there...,
How do rods function what do they...
19  cards
U1-KA5 - PROTEIN CONTROL OF CELL DIVISION - 1)remodelling of the cytoskeleton
Where is the cytoskeleton attache...,
The cytoskeleton constantly _____...
13  cards
U1 KA5 - PROTEIN CONTROL OF CELL DIVSION - 2) cell Cycle And Control Of Cell Cycle
What is cell division what does i...,
What does the cell cycle consist of,
Why would you expect the cell cyc...
24  cards
What is apoptosis,
Examples of apoptosis where is it...,
How is apoptosis triggered
12  cards
U1 - KA - ALL Lab Techniques For Biologists In AH
What is a hazard in a laboratory,
What are the types of hazards,
What is risk in the laboratory
52  cards
U2 - KA1) Field Techniques For Biologists
What are the hazards associated w...,
How are the following hazards ter...,
What is risk what is a risk asses...
44  cards
U2)KA5)- the parasite niche and lifecycle
What is an ecological niche defin...,
What is interspecific and intrasp...,
What is the fundamental niche rea...
29  cards
U2)KA5) parasites : transmission and virulence
What is transmission,
What is virulence what does it cause,
How are ectoparasites and endopar...
12  cards
U2) KA5)Mammalian immune response
The immune response to parasitic ...,
Non specific first line defences,
Second line defence examples
18  cards
U2) KA5) treatment and control of parasites
What is epidemiology and what can...,
How does herd immunity prevent sp...,
What is the herd immunity threshold
12  cards
U2) KA2) EVOLUTION - by drift and selection
What is evolution,
Variation of traits arises as a r...,
What is a novel allele
30  cards
U2) KA2) EVOLUTION - fitness and hardy weinberg and co evolution
Fitness is an indication offitnes...,
What is absolute fitness,
Absolute fitness what indicates a...
13  cards
Costs of sexual reproduction,
Costs of asexual reproduction,
How does the positives of sexual ...
25  cards
U2)KA3) variation and sexual reproduction- sex determination
How is the sex of birds mammals a...,
What are the sex chromosomes in a...,
During meiosis in the male x and ...
17  cards
What is parental investment,
Investing resources in offspring ...,
Parental investment begins with t...
18  cards

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ah biology

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