cib 011 - drug offences - 09/21 - nhdj27

This class was created by Brainscape user Nathan Hessell. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Section 6(1)(a) - Imports into or exports from NZ any controlled drug
What is the section and penalty f...,
What are the ingredients,
Imports legislation
20  cards
Section 6(1)(b) - Produces or manufactures a controlled drug
What is the section and penalty f...,
What are the ingredients,
11  cards
Section 6(1)(c) - Supplies Class A or Class B controlled drug
What is the section and penalty,
What are the ingredients,
How is supply defined in s2 of moda
28  cards
Section 6(1)(d) - Supplies, administers or offers to supply or administer to persons under 18 years
What is the section and penalty,
What are the ingredients,
23  cards
Section 6(1)(e) - Sell, or offer to sell, any Class C controlled drug to person of or over 18 years
What is the section and penalty,
What are the ingredients,
What is selling
8  cards
Section 6(1)(f) - Possession of controlled drugs for supply
What is the section and penalty,
What are the ingredients,
What are the two separate element...
37  cards
Drug Dealing Definitions
Controlled drug,
Examples of class a drugs,
Examples of class b drugs
8  cards
Miscellaneous Offences
Encapsulating S6(2)(A), equipment/precursors and possession of.
19  cards
Controlled Deliveries, Tracking Devices, Internal Search and Internal Concealment
What is a controlled delivery,
Who is allowed to undertake contr...,
What ssa powers are available in ...
37  cards
Electronic Operations
What is a drug dealing offence,
Evidential material,
Private communication
51  cards
Clan Labs
90 second rule,
Clan lab indicatorsoutside,
Clan lab indicatorsinside
15  cards
Prosecution Procedure
Admissibility of certificate,
Bail application process
21  cards

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cib 011 - drug offences - 09/21 - nhdj27

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