anatomy year 1 medicine

This class was created by Brainscape user Aisha Lawanson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Respiratory Anatomy 1.1
What is the thorax,
What does the thoracic cavity con...,
What does the thoracic wall consi...
56  cards
Respiratory Anatomy 1.2
What are the external intercostal...,
What are the internal intercostal...,
Where do innermost muscles exist
41  cards
Respiratory Anatomy 2
What makes up upper respiratory t...,
What makes up lower respiratory t...,
What is the basic strsuctaural un...
60  cards
Histology of the Respiratory System
What two process does respiration...,
What does the physical process of...,
What does the chemical process of...
40  cards
Embryology 1 & 2
0  cards
Embryology 3
0  cards
Readiology of the Respiratory System
0  cards
Respiratory System
What does the thoracic wall enclose,
What is located between the lungs,
What kind of cavity is a closed sac
362  cards
Moores Anatomy Respiratory System
Which is bigger superior thoracic...,
What is on the interior of each rib,
What does a tubercle correspond with
32  cards
Quick cardiorespiratory questions
The internal thoracic artery is a...,
What are the anterior intercostal...,
What are the posterior intercosta...
108  cards
Embryology (respiratory and cardiovascular)
What does the respiratory system ...,
What week period is the embryonic...,
What does the lung bud form from
21  cards
Week 6 Formative Quiz questions
Regarding control of the peripher...,
Concerning the cardiac cycle at r...,
Concerning the electrical activit...
60  cards
Week 7 formative quiz questions
Percutaneous coronary stenting im...,
Rheumatic fever is strongly assoc...,
Patients with a recent stroke can...
60  cards
Week 8 formative quiz questions
Intermittent claudications is ass...,
A stroke can be caused by trauma,
The pain classically associated w...
99  cards
Week 9 formative quiz questions
Warfarin may be useful in the man...,
A 60 year old patient presents to...,
In normal micro circulation movem...
40  cards
Week 10 formative quiz
The classic triad of the presenta...,
Mitral regurgitation radiates to ...,
The classic pulse of aortic regur...
60  cards
Vaugly what does the mediastinum ...,
What are the sections of the medi...,
What is the inferior mediastinum ...
214  cards
What does the thoracic wall enclose,
What is located between the lungs,
What kind of cavity is a closed sac
376  cards
What is the respiratory system de...,
What is the lung buds and trachea...,
What is the oesophagus derived from
25  cards

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anatomy year 1 medicine

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