higher human biology

This class was created by Brainscape user Amy Craik. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (24)

Human Cells: Division and Differentiation of Human Cells
What is a somatic cell,
What type of cells are somatic cells,
What do diploid cells in humans have
28  cards
Human Cells: Structure and Replication of DNA
Genetic information is what,
Dna is a substance that does what,
What is dna
33  cards
Human Cells: Gene Expression
What is gene expression,
What does gene expression involve,
Genes are expressed to produce what
36  cards
Human Cells: Mutations
What are mutations,
What do single gene mutations inv...,
What do nucleotide substitutions ...
14  cards
Human Cells: Human Genomics
What is the genome of an organism,
An organism s genome is made up o...,
Most of the genome consists of what
12  cards
Human Cells: Metabolic Pathways
What is metabolism,
What is a metabolic pathway,
Metabolic pathways are integrated...
23  cards
Human Cells: Cellular Respiration
What is glycolysis,
Atp is required for what leading ...,
Pyruvate progresses to where
14  cards
Human Cells: Energy Systems in Muscle Cells
During vigorous exercise the musc...,
The conversion of pyruvate to lac...,
This regenerates the nad needed t...
16  cards
Physiology and Health: Gamete Production and Fertilisation
How are gametes produced,
Where are sperm produced,
What do the interstitial cells of...
7  cards
Physiology and Health: Hormonal Control of Reproduction
What are hormones,
Hormones are released directly in...,
Hormones control what
24  cards
Physiology and Health: The Biology of Controlling Fertility
Infertility treatments and contra...,
Men continually produce sperm in ...,
Why do men show continuous fertility
29  cards
Physiology and Health: Antenatal and Postnatal Screening
A variety of techniques can be us...,
Antenatal and prenatal screening ...,
What does antenatal screening do
35  cards
Physiology and Health: The Structure and Function of Arteries, Capillaries and Veins
Where does blood circulate,
There is a decrease in blood pres...,
What are blood vessels
26  cards
Physiology and Health: The Structure and Function of the Heart
The heart has four chambers and w...,
What does the right side of the h...,
What does the left side of the he...
32  cards
Physiology and Health: Pathology of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)
What is atherosclerosis,
Where does an atheroma form,
What happens as an atheroma grows
31  cards
Physiology and Health: Blood Glucose Levels and Obesity
Chronic elevated blood glucose le...,
Chronic elevation of blood glucos...,
Atherosclerosis may develop leadi...
41  cards
Neurobiology and Immunology: Divisions of the Nervous System and Neural Pathways
What does the cns consist of,
What does the pns consist of,
What does the sns control
13  cards
Neurobiology and Immunology: The Cerebral Cortex
What is the cerebral cortex and w...,
There is localisation of brain fu...,
Association areas are involved in...
7  cards
Neurobiology and Immunology: Memory
Memories include what,
Memory involves what,
Information entering the brain pa...
18  cards
Neurobiology and Immunology: The Cells of the Nervous System and Neurotransmitters at Synapses
Neurons are what,
Neurons have what,
Axons are surrounded by what what...
36  cards
Neurobiology and Immunology: Non-Specific Body Defences
What is a pathogen,
Non specific defences can be what,
Epithelial cells do what
11  cards
Neurobiology and Immunology: Specific Cellular Defences Against Pathogens
What are lymphocytes,
What do lymphocytes do,
What are antigens
25  cards
Neurobiology and Immunology: Immunisation
How can immunity be developed,
What can the antigens used in vac...,
What are antigens usually mixed w...
12  cards
Neurobiology and Immunology: Clinical Trials of Vaccines and Drugs
What are vaccines subject to to e...,
What does the design of clinical ...,
Why are subjects divided into gro...
7  cards

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higher human biology

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