This class was created by Brainscape user Carlos Serrano. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (44)

What is a declaration,
What is a selector,
What is a css rule or css ruleset
22  cards
Types of selectors,
What are css atribute selectors,
Css attribute selector syntax
12  cards
Child combinator,
Descendant combinator,
Namespace separator
10  cards
What is a css pseudo class,
Type of pseudo classes,
List all element display state ps...
22  cards
What is a pseudo element,
After pseudo element,
Before pseudo element
9  cards
Working with relative units and custom properties
What are ems,
What is the value of ems used to ...,
What is the value of ems used to ...
17  cards
CSS values and units
What is a css value,
29  cards
The box model
What is the box model,
What is the content area,
What is the padding area
50  cards
aka @rules
28  cards
CSS Media Queries
What are css media queries,
What is the syntax of a css media...,
How can you negate a media query
28  cards
CSS containment
What does css containment do,
Contain css prperty,
Explain paint containment
18  cards
Making sense of Floats
What does do,
What is the double container pattern,
What is the height of a block ele...
15  cards
What is flexbox,
What does display flex do to an e...,
What does display inline flex do ...
39  cards
Grid - Concepts
What is the css grid layout,
What is a grid,
What are the properties of a grid
20  cards
Grid - Related
What are sizing keywords,
What is a subgrid,
Explain min content sizing keyword
19  cards
Grid - Explicit Grid
What is an explicit grid,
What do grid template columns and...,
How can you reference grid lines
29  cards
Grid - Implicit Grid
What is an implicit grid,
What do grid auto columns and gri...,
What does grid auto flow property do
21  cards
Positioning and stacking contexts
What is the containing block of a...,
How can you identify the containi...,
What is an stacking context
27  cards
Responsive Design
What are the 3 key priciples of r...,
What is progressive enhancement,
What is graceful degradation
16  cards
Modular CSS / BEM Methodology
What does modular css means,
What is the problem with context ...,
How can you write a module s vari...
15  cards
Gradients - linear
What is a gradient css data type,
Gradient css data type syntax,
Linear gradient css function
19  cards
Gradients - radial
Radial gradient css function,
Syntax of radial gradient css fun...,
Possible arguments of radial grad...
9  cards
Gradients - conic
Conic gradient css function,
Syntax of conic gradient css func...,
Possible values of conic gradient...
6  cards
Gradients - repeat
Repeating gradient css functions,
Repeating linear gradient css fun...,
Repeating radial gradient
4  cards
Background and blend modes
What does background image css pr...,
What is the syntax of the backgro...,
What does background position css...
27  cards
Which css properties can create s...,
Box shadow css property,
Syntax of box shadow css property
14  cards
CSS filter function
What is a filter function data type,
Css blur css filter function,
Css blur css filter function
11  cards
Working with colours
What does the currentcolor keywor...
13  cards
Color notations
What is the hexadecimal notation ...,
What is the syntax of hex color n...,
Rgb functional notation
12  cards
Color theory - concepts
What is color theory,
What is a color wheel,
What are the primary colors
21  cards
Color theory - schemas
What is a monochromatic color scheme,
What is a analogous color scheme,
What is a complementary color scheme
6  cards
Color theory - psychology
What is color psychology,
What are warm and cool colors,
What is color harmony
11  cards
Typography - concepts
What is a typeface,
What are the differences between ...,
What is a point size or pt
16  cards
Typography - types
What is a serif,
List the three types of serfif fonts,
When should you use serif fonts
23  cards
Typography - language support
Why should you care about the len...,
What is the problem with alignmen...,
Why is vertical space important f...
5  cards
Typography - font pairing
What should you ask yourself befo...,
Reasons to do font pairing,
Whats important about the tone of...
8  cards
Typography - CSS applied
How can i change the baseline of ...,
How can you change the cap height...,
How can you change the cap height...
12  cards
Fluid fonts
How can you make a font size fluid,
How can you give a minimum size t...,
How can you give a maximun size t...
5  cards
Variable Fonts - OpenType Font Variations
What are variable fonts,
What are the difference between a...,
Anatomy of a variable font
20  cards
What does the transition property...,
What is the syntax of the transit...,
What does the transition duration...
28  cards
What is the transform css propert...,
What is the syntax and possible v...,
How can you apply multiple transf...
31  cards
What are css animations,
What is the difference between cs...,
What does animation name css prop...
30  cards
Animation exercises
Given the following css rule iden...,
Write a css rule to apply an anim...,
What will be the behavior of the ...
15  cards
CSS miscellaneous properties
CSS properties I want to know about more in depth
2  cards

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