
This class was created by Brainscape user Lily Barker. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

20  cards
Atomic structure
Atoms are made from 3 subatomic p...,
Relative mass and charge of proton,
Relative mass and charge of neutron
10  cards
Ionic Bonding
When do ions form,
Metal atoms lose electrons to form,
Non metal atoms gain electrons to...
9  cards
Methyl orange in an acid,
Methyl orange in a neutral soluti...,
Methyl orange in an alkali
61  cards
What two components are there of ...,
What is metallic bonding,
Metals are malleable because
31  cards
Rates of Reaction
What four things is the rate of r...,
Why does the rate increase with h...,
Why does the rate increase with l...
8  cards
Covalent Bonding
What do non metals do when they bond,
Definition of covalent bonding,
Covalent bonding is a very ______...
15  cards
What is a halogen,
What are the trends in halogens,
What colour and state is fluorine...
12  cards
Moles 2
How to calculate percentage by mass,
How to calculate moles with mass ...,
How to calculate mols
9  cards
Organic Chemistry 1
What are refinery gases used for,
What is gasoline used for,
What is kerosene used for
9  cards
Chemical Tests
Describe the method of conducting...,
Describe the method of conducting...,
What metal cation produces a red ...
19  cards
For an endothermic reaction what ...,
For an exothermic reaction what s...,
In an endothermic reaction the te...
12  cards
What is the method for obtaining ...,
How to make a salt by titration,
Method for making insoluble salts
5  cards
Organic 2
What is the method for making eth...,
What are the advantages of making...,
What are the disadvantages of mak...
27  cards
What does it mean if a reaction i...,
The enthalpy change of a reaction...,
What changes for the enthalpy cha...
5  cards
What is electrolysis,
What is the positive electrode ca...,
What is the negative electrode ca...
13  cards

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