wines of spain ft

This class was created by Brainscape user Frits Terwijn. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (24)

Brief history of wine in spain,
Irrigation in spain
145  cards
WSET3-C30 Spain
Learn Wines of Spain to the "WSET-3 award" level, an advanced level qualification for professionals working in the wine industry. Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET) is generally regarded as the world's leading provider of wine education.
237  cards
WSET4 General Spain
Learn the generic elements of wines in Spain to the "WSET-4 diploma" level, an expert level qualification for professionals working in the wine industry. Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET) is generally regarded as the world's leading provider of wine education.
85  cards
WSET4 Upper Ebro
Learn the wines of the Upper Ebro regions of La Rioja, Navarra and Aragon to the "WSET-4 diploma" level, an expert level qualification for professionals working in the wine industry. Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET) is generally regarded as the world's leading provider of wine education.
127  cards
WSET4 Duero Valley
Learn the wines of the Duero Valley regions of Ribera del Duero, Rueda and Toro to the "WSET-4 diploma" level, an expert level qualification for professionals working in the wine industry. Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET) is generally regarded as the world's leading provider of wine education.
0  cards
WSET4 Catalunya
Learn the wines of Catalunya to the "WSET-4 diploma" level, an expert level qualification for professionals working in the wine industry. Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET) is generally regarded as the world's leading provider of wine education.
0  cards
WSET4 Andalucia
Learn the wines of the Andalucia to the "WSET-4 diploma" level, an expert level qualification for professionals working in the wine industry. Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET) is generally regarded as the world's leading provider of wine education.
0  cards
WSET4 Levant
Learn the wines of the Levant regions of Valencia and Murcia to the "WSET-4 diploma" level, an expert level qualification for professionals working in the wine industry. Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET) is generally regarded as the world's leading provider of wine education.
0  cards
WSET4 Meseta Central
Learn the wines of the Meseta Central regions of La Mancha, Valdepeñas, Extremadura to the "WSET-4 diploma" level, an expert level qualification for professionals working in the wine industry. Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET) is generally regarded as the world's leading provider of wine education.
0  cards
WSET4 The Islands
Learn the wines of the Spanish Balearic Islands and Canary Islands to the "WSET-4 diploma" level, an expert level qualification for professionals working in the wine industry. Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET) is generally regarded as the world's leading provider of wine education.
16  cards
Where was cava first produced,
What is the main color of wine pr...,
What are the primary red grapes o...
20  cards
Castilla-La Mancha
What are the two most planted gra...,
With what grape are reserva and g...
2  cards
Castilla y León
What is the climate of castilla y...,
What river flows through castilla...,
What two towns are surrounded by ...
21  cards
Duero Valley
Duero valley,
18  cards
Where in spain is galicia located,
What is the climate of galicia,
What is the influence of the prox...
43  cards
Galicia- Grape varieties
What is considered the grape vari...,
Describe the physical characteris...,
List five white varieties permitt...
10  cards
The Levant
Utiel requena
42  cards
What style of wine is navarra do ...,
What are the major red varieties ...
2  cards
Rias Baixas and Bierzo-Geography, Climate and Soils
Describe the generalised geograph...,
What is the generalised climate o...,
Describe the geography of rias ba...
15  cards
Ribera del Duero
Pablo alvarez,
Rioja and ribera del duero 1982,
Rioja and ribera del duero 1986
32  cards
La Rioja
What river passes through rioja doca,
What is rioja doca named after,
What was the first doca
17  cards
Upper Ebro
Rioja alavesa,
Rioja alta
45  cards
Upper Ebro-Geography, Climate and Soils
Rioja is named after what river,
How many hectares is rioja,
What geographical formation is im...
27  cards
What is the primary grape of vale...,
What is fondillon
2  cards

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wines of spain ft

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