year 5: immunopathology pm

This class was created by Brainscape user Phil Macanovic. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Immuno: Immune response to infection
What are the two main routes of i...,
List some features of skin that m...,
What do sebaceous glands produce ...
52  cards
Immuno: Primary Immune Deficiencies 1
In which physiological states mig...,
List some examples of secondary i...,
What are some major clinical feat...
35  cards
Immuno: Primary Immune Deficiencies 2
Name a defect in stem cells that,
What is the most common type of scid,
Which mutation is responsible for...
40  cards
Immuno: Autoinflammatory and Autoimmune diseases 1
What is the difference between au...,
Which cells are mainly responsibl...,
List examples of monogenic autoin...
50  cards
Immuno: Autoinflammatory and Autoimmune diseases 2
Describe the pathophysiology of g...,
Which antibodies is hashimotos th...,
Which gel and coombs class is t1dm
45  cards
Immuno: Immune modulating therapies 1
List some approahces to boosting ...,
What happens when cells of the ad...,
What happens to t cells when acti...
44  cards
Immuno: Immune modulating therapies 2
List some approaches to suppressi...,
How much endogenous steroid does ...,
What is the effect of steroids on...
64  cards
Immuno: Transplantation
Which organ is most commonly tran...,
What is the average half life of ...,
What are the three phases of an i...
44  cards
Immuno: Case Studies in Immunology
Define anaphylaxis,
Describe the mechanism of type i ...,
List some clinical features of an...
51  cards
Immuno: Allergy
Define allergic disorder,
Define sensitisation,
Describe the difference between i...
43  cards
Immuno: Malabsorption CPC
List three causes of microcytic a...,
What is anisopoikilocytosis and w...,
What are tear drop cells and elli...
36  cards
IMMUNO: Secondary immune deficiencies and HIV infection
What are the causes of immune def...,
Which childhood infection can cau...,
What are the common causes of sec...
50  cards

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year 5: immunopathology pm

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