This class was created by Brainscape user Ellie Carl. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

3.3.1- Introduction to organic chemistry/combustion/cracking/pollution
What is nomenclature,
What is isomerism,
What is an organic molecule
146  cards
Pollution Equations
Calcium oxide formation,
Suspension of limestone in water,
Incomplete combustion of petrol
14  cards
What is ionic bonding,
How are the ions formed in ionic ...,
What layer of electrons are invol...
74  cards
Intermolecular forces
What are the 3 types of intermole...,
What are van der waals forces,
How are van der waals forces formed
17  cards
Shapes of molecules
Scm what is the shape and bond an...,
What is the shape and bond angle ...,
What is the shape and bond angle ...
9  cards
Free radical substitution
What are the three stages of free...,
What is needed for the initiation...,
Why are only halogen free radical...
12  cards
Oxidation of alcohols and aldehydes
What can the reaction of alcohols...,
What is oxidation,
What is the oxidising agent
14  cards
Electrophilic addition
Why are alkenes far more reactive...,
Why can an electrophilic addition...,
What is step one in an electrophi...
16  cards
Nucleophilic substitution and elimination
What are nucleophiles,
What are the three types of nucle...,
What happens during nucleophilic ...
16  cards
Chemical tests
How do we compare the reactivitie...,
What are the results of adding si...,
What is tollen s reagent
11  cards
Alkenes and alcohols in industry, and addition polymerisation
What are the two ways that ethano...,
What is a continuous industrial p...,
Why would we do a direct hydration
38  cards
What is an isomer,
What are 4 different types of iso...,
What is a chain isomer
19  cards
What is the general formula of al...,
How do you classify alcohols,
What is fermentation used for
27  cards
Mass spectrometry and infrared spectrometry
What can mass spectrometry be use...,
What happens during a mass spectr...,
What symbol does the molecular io...
30  cards
Optical isomerism
When does optical isomerism occur,
What are enantiomers,
What is the difference between en...
58  cards
Aldehydes and ketones- oxid. and reduc.
What are aldehydes reduced to,
What are ketones reduced to,
How can you reduce aldehydes ketones
8  cards
What is an example of a solid ester,
What is an example of a liquid ester,
What is biodiesel
11  cards
What are aromatics,
What are aromatics used in,
What is the empirical formula of ...
29  cards
What is an aryl group,
Difference between primary second...,
How do you name simple amines
28  cards
What are the two types of polymers,
What molecules undergo addition p...,
What is special about addition po...
26  cards
Biochem, proteins, amino acids
1  cards

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dr stead chem

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