property - spring 2023 (eason)

This class was created by Brainscape user Casey Scoular. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (26)

Intro to Property, Possession, Bailments - Jan. 10, 12
What are the four incidents of ow...,
What is an incident barros,
What does alienation mean barros
48  cards
Gifts - Jan. 12, 17
What does inter vivos mean barros,
What are the elements of a valid ...,
What are the subparts of intent f...
17  cards
Adverse Possession - Jan. 17, 19
What are the elements of adverse ...,
What is the actual element of adv...,
What is the exclusive element of ...
20  cards
Zoning - Asynchronous
Are land use regulations typicall...,
What is the power that states hav...,
Who usually uses land regulations...
23  cards
Present Interests - Jan. 24
What are present interests barros,
What are future interests barros,
When do future interests take eff...
37  cards
Future Interests - Jan. 26
What is the possibility of revert...,
What is the right of entry barros,
What is the reversion barros
20  cards
Trusts, Alienability, and the Rule Against Perpetuities - Jan. 31
What is a trustee barros,
What is a beneficiary barros,
What are the two basic fiduciary ...
26  cards
Concurrent Ownership - Feb. 2
What is concurrent ownership barros,
What are three concurrent interes...,
O grants blackacre to a and b wha...
31  cards
The Tenancy by the Entirety and Marital Property - Feb. 7
What is the tenancy by the entire...,
What legal status does a couple h...,
What does equitable distribution ...
9  cards
Leasing Real Property - Landlord and Tenant Law - Feb. 14
What is the term of years barros,
When does a term of years leaseho...,
20  cards
Protection Against Discrimination + Tenant's Rights and Remedies - Feb. 16
0  cards
Landlord’s Rights, Tenants Duties; Lease Transfers - Feb. 23
What are the tenant s duties in m...,
What options does a landlord have...,
Can a landlord be held reliable f...
12  cards
Ending the Leasehold - Mar. 2
What may a landlord do when a ten...,
If if the tenant abandons the lea...,
What is lease forfeiture q
10  cards
Real Estate Transactions, Brokers and Agents - Mar. 7
What are the two major events of ...,
What is the signing of the purcha...,
What is the closing barros
23  cards
Real Estate Transactions Part IV: Physical Condition Issues; Seller Disclosures; Statute of Frauds, Etc. - Asynchronous
What is nonfeasance q,
What is misfeasance q,
What is a representation real est...
15  cards
Real Estate Transactions Part II: Risks; Title Issues; Deeds & Recording Acts - Mar. 21
How many basic layers are there t...,
What is the first layer to the al...,
What is the default allocation of...
50  cards
Real Estate Transactions Part III: Deeds & Notice (cont’d); Wild Deeds; Allocating Risks; Deed Warranties - Mar. 23
What does it mean when a lien be ...,
What is the key date for most lie...,
Why do mechanic s liens present u...
17  cards
Real Estate Transactions Part V: Deed Warranties (cont’d), Title Insurance, Closing
What is title insurance barros,
What is a policy insuring a lende...,
What is a policy insuring an owne...
29  cards
Real Estate Transactions Part VI: Financing and Security - April 4
What collateral is usually used f...,
The lender in a real estate trans...,
What are the two basic components...
65  cards
Private Land Use Controls: Servitudes: Introduction; Easements - April 6
What is an easement barros,
What is a license barros,
What is a profit barros
30  cards
Easements by Estoppel & Implication - April 11
What is an easement by estoppel b...,
What are the two components of es...,
What is the general pattern of ea...
11  cards
Easements by Estoppel & Implication Part II; Misuse and Termination - April 18
What does it mean when a parcel o...,
What is an easement implied by ne...,
What are the three elements of ea...
21  cards
Easements by Estoppel & Implication Part III; Covenants that Run with the Land - April 20
How can covenants that run with t...,
If subsequent owners of a parcel ...,
What are the elements of real cov...
14  cards
Covenants that Run with the Land II; Common Interest Communities - April 25
What are common interest communit...,
What are cc rs barros,
What do cc rs usually create barros
8  cards
Covenants: Changed Circumstances; Abandonment; Nonenforcement/Public Policy - April 27
What is the test to determine if ...,
May courts refuse to enforce cove...,
How does a plaintiff demonstrate ...
7  cards
Conveyance Practice
O grants blackacre to a for life,
O grants blackacre to the school ...,
O grants blackacre to a for life ...
35  cards

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property - spring 2023 (eason)

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