This class was created by Brainscape user Oliver Browne. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

2.1.1 - Internal Finance
What is finance,
What are the reasons to raise fin...,
What is owners capital
14  cards
2.1.2 - External Finance
What is external finance,
What is a source of finance,
What is a method of finance
39  cards
2.1.3 - Liability
What is limited liability,
What is unlimited liability,
What are the business types of an...
8  cards
2.1.4 - Planning
What is a business plan,
Why does a business write a busin...,
Whats included in a business plan
14  cards
2.2.1 - Sales Forecasting
What is a sale forecast,
Why is a sale forecasting importa...,
Why is a sale forecasting importa...
12  cards
2.2.2 - Sales Revenues and Costs
What is sales volume,
What is sales revenue,
What is fixed cost
8  cards
2.2.3 - Break Even
What does break even mean,
What is contribution,
What is the break even formula
6  cards
2.2.4 - Budgets
What is a budget,
What are the purposes of a budget,
How is planning a purpose of a bu...
14  cards
2.3.1 - Profit
What is profit,
What is a statement of comprehens...,
What is the gross profit formula
13  cards
2.3.2 - Liquidity
What is liquidity,
What is a statement of financial ...,
How do you measure liquidity
8  cards
2.3.3 - Business Failure
What is business failure,
What are the internal causes of b...,
What are some examples of busines...
6  cards
2.4.1 - Productivity
What is productivity,
What is production,
What are the 4 methods of product...
26  cards
2.4.2 - Capacity Utilisation
What is capacity utilisation,
What happens in high capacity uti...,
What happens in low capacity util...
8  cards
2.4.3 - Stock Control
What is stock control,
Research a stock diagram,
What is buffer stock
22  cards
2.4.4 - Quality Management
What is quality,
What is quality control,
What is quality assurance
12  cards
2.5.1 - Economic Influence
What is economic influence,
What is inflation,
What is cpi
20  cards
2.5.2 - Legislation
What is legislation,
What is the consumer protection law,
How does the consumer protection ...
18  cards

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theme 2 (bs)

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