head and neck spot test

This class was created by Brainscape user ellie newman. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

anterior triangle of the neck
What muscle forms hte anterior bo...,
What are the boundaries of the an...,
What are the divisions of the ant...
69  cards
posterior triangle of the neck
What are the borders of the poste...,
What are the contents of the post...,
What is the course of the lesser ...
33  cards
sub occipital region
Which 2 nerves supply cutaneous s...,
What are the muscles in the super...,
What are the muscles of the inter...
50  cards
the parotid gland
What type of gland is the parotid...,
Where does the parotid gland lie,
How does the parotid gland delive...
21  cards
muscles of mastication
How many muscles of mastication a...,
What nerve innervates the muscles...,
What is the function of the muscl...
21  cards
the trigeminal nerve
What are the 3 main divisions of ...,
What are the modalities of the di...,
Explain the course of the mandibu...
8  cards
the common carotids and infra temporal fossa
Where is most of the blood supply...,
What are the t,
What are the regional branches of...
26  cards
temporomamdibular joint
What type of joint is the temporo...,
What surrounds the tmj,
Where does the head of the mandib...
7  cards
face and scalp
Where does the thickened fascia o...,
What are the,
What is the innervation common to...
39  cards
cranial fossa
What does the anterior cranial fo...,
What lobes of the brain are found...,
What is the attachment site for t...
70  cards
the brain
What are the most prominent featu...,
What lies between the 2 cerebral ...,
How do the two cerebral hemispher...
56  cards
the eye
Which bone forms the orbit,
What protects the orbital contents,
What supports the corners of the ...
56  cards
the nose
What is the septal cartilage,
What is the allar cartilage,
What is the external nose structu...
24  cards
the oral cavity
What is the frenulum of the upper...,
Apart from the upper lip where is...,
What are the tissue folds either ...
62  cards
the pharynx
What is the pharynx,
What are the three regions that t...,
Where does the nasopharynx lie
51  cards
the larynx
Where does the larynx lie,
Where does the majority of the th...,
What is the function of the larynx
51  cards
the ear
What are the three components of ...,
What are the 4 components of the ...,
What are the 6 components of the
32  cards
cranial formaina
What passes through the superior ...,
What passes through the foramen s...,
What passes through the carotid c...
25  cards

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head and neck spot test

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