sociology education 10 markers

This class was created by Brainscape user Liam Gonzo. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Outline explained ways in which the education system may pass on values and ideas which are in the interests of dominant groups in society.
Point 1,
Point 2
2  cards
Outline and explain two factors inside schools that may contribute to the formation of an ideal pupil identity
Point 1,
Point 2
2  cards
Outline and explain two cultural factors that may contribute to the poorer educational progress of some social groups in schools
Point 1,
Point 2
2  cards
Outline and explain two ways in which globalisation has affected educational policies in the United Kingdom
Point 1,
Point 2
2  cards
Outline and explain two ways in which pupils home and family circumstances may affect the educational achievement
Point 1,
Point 2
2  cards
Outline and explain two reasons why different pupil subcultures exist in schools
Point 1,
Point 2
2  cards
Outline and explain two ways in which the cultural factors may need to be under achievement of pupils in some ethnic minority groups.
Point 1,
Point 2
2  cards
Outline and explain two ways in which material deprivation can impact on educational achievement.
Point 1,
Point 2
2  cards
Outline and explain two ways in which marketization reinforces inequalities and educational outcomes.
Point 1,
Point 2
2  cards
Outline and explain two ways in which processes in school reinforce class differences in Educational outcomes
Point 1,
Point 2
2  cards
Outline and explain two ways in which Marxists argue that education reinforces capitalist Society.
Point 1,
Point 2
2  cards
Outline and explain two ways in which processes outside of school reinforce gender differences in Educational outcomes.
Point 1,
Point 2
2  cards
Outline and explain two ways in which educational policies reinforce inequalities in Educational outcomes.
Point 1,
Point 2
2  cards
Outline and explain two forms of pupil response to teachers racism and negative labelling.
Point 1
1  cards
Outline and explain two reasons why girls and boys often choose to study different subjects.
Point 1,
Point 2
2  cards
Outline and explain two roles that the education for Phil's according to functionalists
Point 1,
Point 2
2  cards
analyse two ways in which marketisation policies have led to schools being run like businesses.
0  cards

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sociology education 10 markers

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