cloud computing

This class was created by Brainscape user nana Adusepoku. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (43)

AWS-Module 1 Material
What is aws and what does it provide,
Almost all modern cloud computing...,
What is the client sever model
26  cards
AWS-Module 2: Computing in the cloud
What is amazon elastic cloud ec2,
How is ec2 beneficial compared to...,
Ec2 uses ______________
61  cards
AWS- Module 3: Global Infrastructure
Aws doesn t just have 1 big datac...,
Aws builds _________ to be closes...,
Inside each region they have mult...
23  cards
What is virtualization,
What is a virtual machine,
Virtual machines are referred to ...
24  cards
AWS-Module 4: Networking
What is amazon virtual private cl...,
The public and private grouping o...,
What are subnets
32  cards
AWS-Module 5: Storage & Databases
What is amazon elastic block stor...,
With ______ you define the size t...,
Ebs allows you to take incrementa...
57  cards
Udemy Lecture 1
What is a network,
What is a router,
What is a switch
14  cards
Udemy Lecture 2
What iam,
In _____ you create your users as...,
_________ is created by default a...
35  cards
Udemy Lecture 3: EC2
What does ec2 stand,
What does ec2 mainly consist of,
What do you have to decide when i...
36  cards
Udemy Lecture 4: EC2 Instance Storage
What is an ebs elastic block stor...,
What does ebs do for you,
What are some rules that apply to...
30  cards
Udemy lecture 5: Amazon S3
__________ is one of the main bui...,
What are the different use cases ...,
Amazon s3 stores objects files in...
82  cards
Udemy Lecture: Greater loaLB & ASG- Elastic load balancing & Auto scaling groups
Scalability means what,
What are the two types of scalabi...,
Scalability is linked but differe...
24  cards
Udemy lecture 7: Databases & analytics
What is a relational database,
In relational databases it uses t...,
______________ databases are nonr...
70  cards
Udemy lecture 8: ECS, lambda, batch, lightsail
___________ is a software develop...,
Apps are packaged in _________ th...,
Apps runs the ___________ regardl...
23  cards
Udemy Lecture 9: Deploying and Managing Infrastructure At Scale
What is cloudformation,
What is a benefit of cloudformation,
So for an exam perspective cloudf...
27  cards
Lecture 10: Leveraging the AWS Global Infrastrcture
A ____________ is an application ...,
What are the different global app...,
_________ is a managed dns domain...
20  cards
Lecture 11: Cloud Integrations
What are the two different ways f...,
What is the difference between sy...,
Synchronous between application c...
20  cards
Lecture 12: Cloud Monitoring
____________ provides metrics for...,
_________ is a variable to monito...,
Metrics have ______________
20  cards
Lecture 13: VPC & Networking
What are the two types of ip addr...,
Ipv4 internet protocol version 4 ...,
Private ipv4 can be used on _____...
28  cards
Lecture 14: Secuirty and Compliance
Aws responsibility is what,
What is a ddos attack distributed...,
____________ protects against ddo...
59  cards
Lecture 15: Machine Learning
____________ find objects people ...,
Amazon rekognition also uses ____...,
__________ automatically convert ...
17  cards
Lecture 16: Account Management and billing
_________ is a global service tha...,
What are the cost benefits by usi...,
Aws organization also has an api ...
51  cards
Lecture 17: Advance Identity
_________ enables you to create t...,
What are some use cases for aws sts,
_________ allows you to create id...
8  cards
Lecture 18: Other Services
__________ is a managed desktop a...,
________ it s a desktop applicati...,
What is the difference between wo...
29  cards
Lecture 19: AWS architecting & Ecosystem
What are the cloud deign principles,
What are the 6 pillars of well ar...,
______ includes the ability to ru...
42  cards
Questions review 1
Amazon efs is a file storage serv...,
____________ is an easy to use hi...,
An _____________ provides tempora...
63  cards
Question review 2
Aws ____________ is a configurati...,
Aws ___________ is a fully manage...,
25  cards
Question Review 3
__________ is a fully managed pet...,
__________ is a fully managed ext...,
___________ is a hybrid cloud sto...
55  cards
Question Review 3
Data encryption,
Aws config,
Aws web application firewall aws waf
16  cards
Question 5
__________ contains the most freq...,
__________ is the hub for managin...,
Reserved instances ri provide you...
22  cards
0  cards
EC2 Fundamentals (Associate)
What are some different capabilit...,
What are the different operating ...,
When configuring your ec2 what ar...
43  cards
Sutions Architect Associate Level
Network has two sorts of ips what...,
How would you describe ipv4,
19  cards
EC2 Instance Storage
An __________ is a network drive ...,
What are some features of ebs volume,
The ____________ controls the ebs...
27  cards
High Availability & Scalability
_______ are crucial for load bala...,
What are the different types of l...,
Application load balance is a ___...
45  cards
RDS + Aurora + Elasticache
What are rds databases that are m...,
What are the advantages to using ...,
___________ helps you increase st...
35  cards
Route 53 (associate)
What is dns,
What are the different dns termin...,
__________ is a highly availabl s...
27  cards
Classic Solution Architecture Discussion
____________ allows people to kno...,
How do you install deploy your rd...,
How do you install deploy your eb...
7  cards
Amazon S3 Introduction (associate)
What are the use cases for amazon s3,
What are the different security f...,
An iam principal can access an s3...
8  cards
Advanced Amazon S3
You can transition ________ betwe...,
What are some features of amazon ...,
__________ help you decide when t...
12  cards
Amazon S3 security (associate)
What are some features of amazon ...,
What are some features of amazon ...,
What are some features of sse kms
19  cards
Cloudfront & AWS Global Accelerator
What are some features of aws clo...,
What are some features of cloudfr...,
What is the difference between cl...
10  cards
AWS Storage extras
What is the aws snow family and i...,
What are some features of aws sno...,
What are some features of aws sno...
23  cards

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cloud computing

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