english macbeth gcse quotes

This class was created by Brainscape user Charles Gore. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

Act 1. Sc 1
Witches dont care about battle,
Witches seek out macbeth,
3  cards
Act 1. Sc 2
Macbeth viewed highly by captain,
Macbeth killed people with ease,
Violent description of macbeths k...
7  cards
Act 1. Sc 2
Macbeth becomes vane of cawdor,
Macbeth wins battle
2  cards
Act 1. Sc 3
Macbeth talking about his day,
Banquo questioning if he will die,
Banquo confused on their sex
9  cards
Act 1. Sc 4
Duncan views macbeth as equal,
Macbeth what i do for the king is...,
Macbeth need to do something anou...
4  cards
Act 1. Sc 5
Lady macbeth macbeth is too kind,
Lady macbeth macbeth has no ambition,
Lady macbeth
8  cards
Act 1. Sc 7
Act 1 sc 7 macbeth macbeth has to...,
Act 1 sc 7 macbeth,
Act 1 sc 7 macbeth macbeth believ...
6  cards
Act 1. Sc 7
Act 1 sc 7 macbeth,
Act 1 sc 7 macbeth macbeth believ...,
Act 1 sc 7 macbeth 3 lines
6  cards
Act 2. Sc 1
Act 2 sc 1 macbeth hilusinates a ...,
Act 2 sc 1 macbeth believes a bel...
2  cards
Act 2. Sc 2
Act 2 sc 2 lady macbeth would hav...,
Act 2 sc 2 macbeth,
Act 2 sc 2 macbeth believes he wi...
7  cards
How where women viewed in the 1600,
How does how women where viewed i...,
When was the play wrote what does...
6  cards
Act 2. Sc 3
Macbeth shows the regret and haun...,
2  cards
Act 3. Sc 1
Macbeth shows the pain and regret...,
Macbeth soliloquy macbeth shows h...
2  cards
Act 3. Sc 2
Macbeth shows him taking power an...
1  cards
Act 3. Sc 4
Lady macbeth questions macbeth s ...,
Macbeth believes it is easier to ...
2  cards
Act 3. Sc 5
Violence seeks more blood in reve...
1  cards
Act 4. Sc 2
Macbeth is at his lowest kills ma...
1  cards
Act 5. Sc 1
Lady macbeth plagued with regret ...,
Lady macbeth believes her hands s...
2  cards
Act 5. Sc 5
Sayton reports lady macbeth s death,
Macbeth solilique shows the after...
2  cards
Act 5. Sc 8
Macduff was born from a ceaserium,
Macbeth last words shows most bra...
2  cards
Act 5 Sc 2
Macbeth can t blow out the candle
1  cards

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english macbeth gcse quotes

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