comptia sec+ sy0-701

This class was created by Brainscape user Avion Thomas. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

CompTIA Sec+ SY0-701 Acronyms V1
Acl access control list,
Aes advanced encryption standard
69  cards
CompTIA Sec+ SY0-701 Acronyms V2
92  cards
CompTIA Sec+ SY0-701 Acronyms V3
87  cards
CompTIA Sec+ SY0-701 Acronyms V4
79  cards
CompTIA Sec+ SY0-701 PBQ #1
Attack description targetan attac...,
Attack descriptionthe attack esta...,
Attack description
5  cards
CompTIA SEC+ SY0-701 Exam V1
Which of the following would be b...,
A company wants to modify its cur...,
A security analyst notices severa...
88  cards
CompTIA SEC+ SY0-701 Exam V2
Which ol the following is require...,
A network architect wants a serve...,
Which of ihe following control ty...
88  cards
CompTIA SEC+ SY0-701 Exam V3
Recent changes to a company s byo...,
A dynamic application vulnerabili...,
A security analyst has been taske...
78  cards
CompTIA Sec+ SY0-701 Cyber Attacks
Ransomware description ransomware...,
Trojan horse description trojans ...,
Spyware description spyware secre...
44  cards
Domain 1, Quiz 1
Which type of security control ai...,
Which of the following is conside...
15  cards
Domain 1, Quiz 2
What is the primary purpose of a ...,
Which of the following tools is u...,
Which of the following is an asym...
15  cards
Domain 2, Quiz 1
Which of the following threat act...,
An employee starts using unauthor...,
An attacker gains unauthorized ac...
15  cards
Domain 2, Quiz 2
Which of the following is a vulne...,
A mobile device vulnerability all...,
A company discovered that an atta...
15  cards
Domain 3, Quiz 1
What is the primary advantage of ...,
An organization is looking to red...,
What is the primary goal of softw...
15  cards
Domain 3, Quiz 2
Which of the following is conside...,
An organization wants to ensure t...,
In the context of data classifica...
15  cards
Domain 4, Quiz 1
When securing a cloud infrastruct...,
Which mobile solution deployment ...,
In the context of application sec...
15  cards
Domain 4, Quiz 2
Which tool is responsible for col...,
An organization wants to ensure t...,
Which email security mechanism he...
15  cards
Domain 4, Quiz 3
During an incident response what ...,
What does the tabletop exercise r...,
In digital forensics what ensures...
15  cards
Domain 5, Quiz 1
Which document outlines the user ...,
Which of the following best defin...,
A company is hiring a vendor to s...
15  cards
Domain 5, Quiz 2
Which of the following is a poten...,
The right for an individual to ha...,
What primarily differentiates a d...
15  cards
CompTIA Security+ 701 Practice Test 1
In the context of zero trust what...,
Which of the following is an exam...,
Which of the following is a physi...
72  cards
CompTIA Security+ 701 Practice Test 2
Which of the following is a prima...,
What is the main purpose of manag...,
Which of the following is an exam...
86  cards

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comptia sec+ sy0-701

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