This class was created by Brainscape user Anni-Katri Alajärvi. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Lecture 1, work organization in surgical department
Work organization in the surgical department
17  cards
Medical terms
Aseptic technique
23  cards
Mayo scissors,
Metzenbaum scissors
7  cards
Lecture 2, principles of surgical asepsis
Sterile technique,
General rules of aseptic technique
17  cards
Lecture 4, pre- and postoperative care
Most common time of death related...,
Why cats has 2 times higher risk ...,
Asa i animals condition examples
50  cards
Lecture 5, hemorrhage and hemostasis
Arterial hemorrhage,
Venous hemorrhage
19  cards
Lecture 6, Surgical infection and use of antibiotics
Surgical site infection ssi,
Problems with ssi,
Clinical signs of ssis
25  cards
Lecture 7-8, Wounds and wound management
Skin consists of 2 main layers,
28  cards
Lecture 8, wounds and wound management
Wound etiology,
Wound irrigation lavage,
22  cards
Lecture 9, splinting and immobilizing
Purpose of a splint,
Splint or not splint factors that...,
Complications of splint
11  cards
Lecture 10, trauma management
Primary and secondary survey,
Critically ill trauma patient pri...
28  cards
Revision 1, work organization, asepsis
Areas of different restriction le...,
Areas of different restriction le...,
Areas of different restriction le...
21  cards
Revision 2, pre- & postoperative care
Anesthesia related mortality in d...,
Preoperative care,
Postoperative care
3  cards
Revision 3, Hemorrhages and hemostasis
Types of hemorrhage,
Treatment of hemorrhage,
Classification of hemorrhage incl...
6  cards
Revision 4, SSI and use of antibiotics
Classification of surgical wounds,
Clean wound,
Clean contaminated wound
22  cards
Revision 5, wounds
Blood supply of the canine and fe...,
Importance of subdermal plexus,
Classification of wounds
22  cards
Revision 6, splinting and immobilizing
Factors to be considered when dec...,
Commonly used splints,
Potential complications of splints
4  cards
Revision 7, trauma management
Primary and secondary survey when...,
Trauma associated thoracic injuries,
Clinical signs in respiratory com...
5  cards

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