This class was created by Brainscape user Lucy Forgan. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

radiography (wk 1)
Definition of radiographic detail,
What factors affect radiographic ...,
What does sid stand for
107  cards
What is the name of the mucous me...,
The lacrimal puncta through which...,
What does ausculating mean
9  cards
physical examination
Dog average respiratory rate note...,
Dog capillary refill time,
45  cards
digestive system lab (week two)
foregut & hindgut fermentation, pig abdomen
76  cards
digestive system (wk 2)
What does the prefix gastro refer to,
What does the prefix enter refer to,
What does the prefix colo or col ...
163  cards
feeding and nutrition (wk 2)
True or false b12 must be attache...,
Why are most fats absorbed into l...,
Volatile fatty acids which is mod...
186  cards
lab fluids & IV catheters
The most commonly used peripheral...,
Which one of the following needle...,
An ivc in a dog s cephalic vein s...
18  cards
metabolism / endocrine control / homeostasis (wk 3)
What does the term mean,
An what does this term mean,
Catabol what does this term mean
88  cards
practise cases
What is hypovolaemia,
What are the four tissue layers t...
18  cards
topography assessment
Ruminant where is the abomasum,
Horse where is the caecum,
Horse where is the ascending colon
13  cards
cardiac system (wk 4)
Cardi meaning,
Arterio meaning,
Coron meaning
107  cards
agronomy and pasture
What is perennial ryegrass cocksf...,
What is white clover red clover l...,
What is chicory plantain yarrow a...
68  cards
sharps and injections
What does po per os stand for,
What does id stand for,
What does in stand for
49  cards
Which cell these components help ...,
Which cell these cells are part o...,
Which cells these cells can be su...
164  cards
respiratory system (wk 6)
What does the prefix broncho mean,
What does the suffix oxia mean,
What do the prefixes pnoe and pne...
93  cards
immunology kahoots
Blood leukocytes are made up of g...,
All blood cells arise from plurip...,
The role of a neutrophil is to en...
39  cards
urinary system (wk 7)
What does the suffix ren mean,
What does the suffix nephr mean,
What does the suffix itis mean
150  cards
reproduction (wk 8)
What is the function of the vesti...,
What is the function of the cervix,
What is the function of the uterus
184  cards
dairy production (wk 10)
How much does the world s food pr...,
New zealand currently contributes...,
How can external factors affect a...
63  cards
dairy heifer production
Are all eight needed to leave the...,
When can a calf be transported 1 ...,
Economic returns in calf rearing ...
5  cards
OSCE prep
What gauge and length needle is g...,
What size syringe should you use ...,
Lumbodorsal im injection information
14  cards
1  cards

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veterinary science 2.1

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