This class was created by Brainscape user Adam Kiryk. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

css3 fundamentals
Scale an item,
Skew an item,
How can you transform an element ...
54  cards
Responsive Fundamentals: HTML, Images, CSS
What attributes can an image tag ...,
What is syntax for srcset attribute,
What does this mean sizes max wid...
6  cards
CSS Flexbox
Flex grow 0 vs 1 whats the differ...,
Flex shrink 0 vs 1 whats the diff...,
What is default for flex direction
3  cards
CSS Selectors
What does ul p selector do,
What does ul p selector do,
Find all images that end in jpg
13  cards
CSS Backgrounds, Borders, and Images Modules
Have a background image completel...,
Have a background image completel...,
Place a background image so it bl...
14  cards
Key CSS Tips & Tricks
Create sections of 700px width wi...,
Whats the clean modern way to mak...
2  cards
CSS Grid
Turn a div into a grid container,
What property specifies column wi...,
How can you name a column
8  cards
How can you create simple shapes ...,
Draw a 2px wide white line from 0...,
If the viewbox is smaller than th...
6  cards
HTML Forms
What elements help structure and ...,
What is the point of a name attri...,
How do you create a textarea and ...
15  cards
Create a visually hidden element ...
1  cards
HTML Tables
Cells in the head of a table get ...,
What is the table footer element ...,
What is the heading element for a...
6  cards
Miscellaneous Important Tips and Tricks
Create a clearfix style,
Enable text to display ellipses w...,
Prevent text from wrapping
7  cards
Based on Google Dev docs about performance,
6  cards
Create a loop where variable i go...,
Interpolate the variable i so you...,
Assuming you have variable i 1 ca...
9  cards
CSS Animation
Create an animation with what spe...,
Link to an animation called slide...,
Make the animation repeat indefin...
7  cards

More about
css & html

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Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Adam Kiryk's CSS & HTML flashcards now!

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