This class was created by Brainscape user Helena Angel-Scott. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (26)

What type of joint is the knee joint,
What type of bone is the patella,
What makes up the extensor mechan...
19  cards
What movement is subscapularis re...,
What movement is supraspinatus re...,
What movement is infraspinatus an...
26  cards
What is the name for damage to c8 t1,
What muscle groups are affected w...,
What muscles are affected when c8...
37  cards
Claw Toes
What joints are affected in claw toe,
How do you complete the examinati...,
What is the cause of claw toes
8  cards
Knee x-rays
What does this x ray show,
What key features should you ment...,
What does this x ray show
11  cards
What can you see here,
What can you see here,
What can you see here
5  cards
What kind of joint is the hip joint,
What is number 5 on the diagram,
What is number 14 on the diagram
18  cards
Osteoarthritis - Knee
Where might you elicit pain on ex...,
What x ray changes would you expe...,
What is viscosupplementation
14  cards
Ligamentous and Cartilagenous Knee Lesions
What does locking of the knee ind...,
What are some causes of haemarthr...,
Where is the meniscus vascularized
10  cards
Popliteal Fossa Swellings
What are some differentials of a ...,
What is a bakers cyst,
How do you diagnose a bakers cyst
6  cards
Extra Hip Pathology
What are some causes of apparent ...,
What are some causes of true leg ...,
How can leg length discrepancy be...
13  cards
Limb Swelling
What are the causes of oedema,
What causes non pitting oedema,
What are some common causes of pi...
3  cards
Mallet Toes
What is this,
Which toes are most commony affec...,
What is mallet toe
10  cards
Impingement Syndrome
When would a patient with impinge...,
What is the cause of impingement ...,
What forms the roof of the coraco...
7  cards
Rotator Cuff Tear
What are the tendons of the rotat...,
What does the supraspinatus do,
What does the infraspinatus do
11  cards
Hammer Toes
What is this,
Whis toes are affected by hammer toe,
What joints are affected in hamme...
8  cards
Hallux Valgus
What imaging would you do for a p...,
What would you assess on x ray of...,
What is the cause of hallux valgus
5  cards
Mallet Finger
What would examination of a malle...,
What is this,
What is the cause of mallet finger
5  cards
Trigger Finger
What would you find on examinatio...,
What is this,
What is the cause of trigger finger
4  cards
What is gout,
What are the risk factors for gout,
What sites are affected by gout
13  cards
Knee Replacement
What are the different types of k...,
What is a unicompartmental knee r...,
What is an unconstrained bicompar...
10  cards
Ankylosing Spondylitis
What is ankylosing spondylitis,
Who is most likely to initially p...,
What is the genetic association w...
12  cards
Frozen Shoulder
What is frozen shoulder,
Who is most commonly affected by ...,
What are the clinical features of...
6  cards
What is pseudogout,
Who is most commonly affected by ...,
What are some precipitants for ps...
10  cards
Osteoarthritis - Shoulder
What joint in the shoulder is usu...,
What are the causes of ac joint oa,
What are the clinical features of...
5  cards
When does a fracture require redu...,
Which fractures do not require re...,
What are the different methods of...
21  cards

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