paper 2 case studies

This class was created by Brainscape user Mr Godfrey. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

China - One Child Policy
When was the one child policy put...,
Why was this policy put in place,
What was the aim of this new policy
7  cards
Reducing population growth - Kerala's social reforms
A what is kerala trying to contro...,
What does kerala focus on in orde...,
What factors have made the county...
5  cards
Ageing populations - France's Pronatal strategy
What does pro natal mean,
What are the issues of an ageing ...,
What are the issues of an ageing ...
5  cards
Migration within the EU - Poland to the UK
What does migration mean,
In 2004 what was the reason for l...,
What does the source country mean
11  cards
Migration into the EU - Senegal to Italy
What does migrant mean,
What are some push factors of mov...,
What are some pull factors of mov...
7  cards
Trans National Corporation - GSK
What does gsk stand for,
What is a gsk,
What are the historic events whic...
6  cards
Localised Industrial Region - Motorsport Valley
Where is motorsport valley locate...,
How many people are employed at m...,
What percentage of the worlds hig...
5  cards
China as the new economic giant
Where are most industrial industr...,
Give 3 reasons that the economy i...,
Give 3 disadvantages of china bei...
7  cards
Renewable energy - Wind Power in the UK
What is the aim of using wind pow...,
Where are most wind turbines loca...,
Whats the size of a modern wind t...
5  cards
Increasing demand for food - The Nile Region
What are the environmental impact...,
What are the political impacts of...,
Are there any social impacts of i...
4  cards
Kyoto Protocol and Copenhagen Accord
What was the kyoto protocol,
When did it happen,
Why werent china and india part o...
7  cards
UK tourism - National Park - The Lake District
Why are people attracted to the l...,
Why is tourism important in the l...,
Whats the problem with lots of to...
4  cards
Mass Tourism - Jamaica
What is mass tourism,
Key facts about jamaica,
What are the advantages of mass t...
5  cards
Extreme Tourism - Antarctica
What is an extreme environment,
Why do people chose to go to an e...,
The iaato have put many rules in ...
4  cards
Ecotourism - Yachana Ecolodge, Amazon Rainforest
What is meant by ecotourism,
What has global warming got to do...,
What has flooding got to do with ...
5  cards

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paper 2 case studies

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