9 science-- electricity

This class was created by Brainscape user Jody Lee. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

static electricity & electric charges
What is static charge,
What does static mean,
The greater the difference in pro...
21  cards
insulators and conductors
Materials that hold onto their el...,
Nonmetal or molecular compound,
Materials that allow some movemen...
11  cards
detecting static charges
What is an electroscope,
What does it mean to charge an ob...,
What are the three methods in cha...
12  cards
charging by induction
What is grounding,
What is induction,
When a charged object is near but...
13  cards
electrostatics in our lives
What is electrical discharge,
1 what happens to static charges ...,
2 then what happens to the cloud
20  cards
current electricity
What is static electricity,
Generally where does static elect...,
What is currrent electricity
30  cards
measurement in electric circuits
What is the symbol for electric c...,
What is the unit for electric charge,
What is 1c equal to
31  cards
series and parallel circuit
What is a path,
What is a series circuit,
What is a parallel circuit
6  cards
ohm's law
What is ohm s law,
What is potential difference,
What is current
13  cards
loads in series circuit
How many paths does a series circ...,
What happens if the series circui...,
What do loads do
15  cards
loads in parallel circuit
A parallel circuit has _______,
What happens if there is an inter...,
How do you calculate total amperes i
12  cards
generating electricity
What form of energy is nuclear re...,
What form of energy is a ball rol...,
What form of energy is chemical r...
39  cards
comparing electrical generation methods
Fossil fuel is it expensive to ge...,
Biomass is it expensive to genera...,
Biomass is biomass energy renewable
32  cards
power, energy and cost of electricity
Kilowatt watts,
What is electrical power p,
How is electrical power p calculated
9  cards
phantom loads
What is a phantom load,
About how much of your electrical...,
How is efficiency calculated
8  cards

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9 science-- electricity

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