This class was created by Brainscape user Ibrahim Uddin. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

3.1 Introduction to organic chemistry
Define empirical formula,
Define molecular formula,
Define display formula
24  cards
3.2 Alkanes
What is an alkane,
What is the general formula of an...,
Are their bonds polar why why not
47  cards
3.3 - Haloalkanes
Are halogenoalkanes soluble in water,
Do halogenoalkanes have a polar b...,
Which intermolecular forces do th...
21  cards
3.4 Alkenes
What is an alkene,
What is the general formula of an...,
Why is there no rotation about th...
35  cards
3.5 Alcohols
What is the functional group of a...,
What is the general formula of an...,
How do you make alcohols
50  cards
3.6 Organic Analysis
How do you test for alkenes what ...,
How do you test for halogenoalkan...,
How do you test for alcohols what...
21  cards
3.7 Optical Isomerism
What property must a carbon atom ...,
What are the similarities and dif...,
What word is used to describe opt...
22  cards
3.8 Aldehydes and Ketones
What is the carbonyl group,
What is the functional group and ...,
What is the functional group for ...
24  cards
3.09 Carboxylix Acids And Derivativies
What is a carboxylic acid functio...,
How do you name carboxylic acids,
Are carboxylic acids soluble in w...
66  cards
3.10 Aromatic chemistry
What is benzene s formula and str...,
What is another name for arenas w...,
What is the most common type of r...
34  cards
3.11 Amines
Draw the structures of primary se...,
How do you name amines,
Why are amines so reactive
40  cards
3.12 Polymers
What is condensation,
How many monomers are condensatio...,
What properties do these monomers...
39  cards
3.13 Amino Acids, Proteins And DNA
What are the two functional group...,
How many naturally occurring amin...,
What type of amino acids are foun...
75  cards
3.14 Organic Synthesis
What is organic synthesis,
Why do you try and keep the numbe...,
What could cause the yield of an ...
18  cards
3.15 NMR Spectroscopy
What does nmr stand for,
What are the basic principles of nmr,
How would you carry out nmr spect...
30  cards
3.16 - Chromatography
What are the basic principles of ...,
What is the mobile phase,
What relationship between a sampl...
27  cards

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a level organic chemistry

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