a level politics uk and ideologies

This class was created by Brainscape user Ellie Brown. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (24)

Electoral Systems
Where is fptp used,
What type of system is fptp,
Why has fptp been criticised rece...
39  cards
Define pragmatism,
What is conservatism based off th...,
What did conservatism originate i...
43  cards
What was the origins of the enlig...,
What is the overall view of human...,
Liberals believe in equality of o...
52  cards
House Of Lords
Where does it originate from,
Why does a lack of representaion ...,
Describe the composition of the h...
17  cards
House Of Commons
What are the four key functions o...,
What is parliamentary sovereignty,
What are some of the constraints ...
56  cards
Prime Minister
What are some of the most importa...,
What are powers of patronage,
Why is it important that the pm r...
23  cards
The UK Judiciary
What are the three branches of go...,
What is the judiciary responsible...,
What percentages of judges identi...
18  cards
The British Constitution
What is a constitution,
What is a constitution usually fo...,
What is the purpose of a constitu...
33  cards
Political Parties: Other
Why do we need political partied,
What is britain traditionally see...,
What is the most important functi...
12  cards
Internal Democracy
Explain the two stages in choosin...,
Explain the new stages in choosin...,
Explain how a new liber democrat ...
25  cards
Pressure Groups
Briefly name all of the success f...,
Why may finance play a really imp...,
How can a celebrity help a pressu...
28  cards
Political Parties: Labour
When was the labour party founded,
Who was the labour party formed t...,
Labour party is based off of soci...
15  cards
Political Parties: Liberal Democrats
When was the liberal democrat s f...,
Which two groups merged to form t...,
Who launched the sdp
7  cards
Cabinet government
How many ministers in cabinet,
How many meetings a week and how ...,
Name the four key functions of ca...
28  cards
Governmnet Ministers
Approximately how many senior gov...,
Due to the volume of work in depa...,
What are civil servants
25  cards
Law Making
How long of parliaments time is s...,
About how many pages of legislati...,
What is a public bill
15  cards
Political Participation
Give examples of two traditional ...,
Give examples of two modern metho...,
Which in your opinion is the most...
10  cards
Factors Affecting Voting Behaviour
Name the for factors that affect ...,
Define embourgeoisement,
Define class de alignment
28  cards
What is a referendum,
What did clement attlee describe ...,
What is parliament supposed to be...
11  cards
GE Case Studies
Who won the 1983 general election,
What happened that was significan...,
In the 1983 ge what did thatchers...
29  cards
Political Parties: Conservative
For most of the twentieth century...,
What was pragmatism and a belief ...,
What were one nation torres commi...
12  cards
What was deemed the year that cha...,
What occurred in 1997,
What did the new labour want
41  cards
socialist key thinkers
Name two of karl marx and engels ...,
How did marx describe human nature,
What did marx argue capitalism ha...
20  cards
Where did liberalism originate from,
What theory did john locke champi...,
What is the divine right of kings
37  cards

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a level politics uk and ideologies

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