This class was created by Brainscape user Geno Sadaya. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

Abdominal walls, cavities, regions and planes
Serosa covering the abdominal cav...,
The potential space lined by the ...,
Contents of the peritoneal cavity
114  cards
Anatomy: GI tract
Most reabsorption of water occurs...,
During fluoroscopy the esophagus ...,
What causes the cervical constric...
114  cards
Anatomy: Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas
The pancreas is retroperitoneal t f,
Vertebrae the pancreas crosses,
Which organ lies on the left and ...
26  cards
The spleen is the most vulnerable...,
Quadrant of the spleen,
Region of the spleen
13  cards
Histology of the GI tract
The four layers of the gi tract f...,
The epithelial lining of the gi t...,
The layers of the mucosa from ins...
94  cards
Digestion and absorption
The stimuli for the cephalic phase,
The response to cephalic stimulat...,
The salivary response is mediated...
189  cards
Innervation of the GI tract and accessory glands
What is extrinsic nervous system,
What is intrinsic nervous system,
The enteric nervous system is int...
18  cards
GI motility
Which phase of swallowing is volu...,
What happens in the oral phase of...,
What happens in the pharyngeal ph...
70  cards
GI nutrition
If an overweight medical student ...,
How much sodium will a 55 year ol...,
Which of the following fats will ...
5  cards
GI aging
Which of the following explains t...,
Which of the following is unpertu...,
What is the mechanism responsible...
16  cards
Histology of the Pancreas, Liver and Gallbladder
Under the microscope the exocrine...,
Exocrine pancreas serous mucous m...,
Islets of langerhans exocrine or ...
22  cards
Embryology of the GI tract
Which is a derivative of hind gut...,
The following arise as diverticul...,
Intraembryonic coelom develops fr...
13  cards
GI Pathology
The histologic diagnosis of barre...,
The most common primary neoplasm ...,
Meckel s diverticulum may cause b...
28  cards
Pathogens in GIT infections
Aj a 7 year old healthy boy was b...,
A 30 year old tourist returned fr...,
Toxins play an important role in ...
25  cards
Parasites in GIT infections
A food borne helminth that is cap...,
True about paragonimus westermani...,
Stage of fasciola that serves as ...
6  cards
The most common intestinal maldig...,
Which of the following is true a ...,
A 20 year old engineering student...
17  cards
Which of the following is an inhe...,
Laboratory finding which points t...,
A 3 year old boy presents with a ...
20  cards
Abdominal enlargement
Which of the following factors is...,
A 66 m complained of abdominal en...,
A 43 m ofw with 20 year history o...
26  cards
26 m complains of passage of hard...,
65 f complains of difficulty in p...,
48 m complains of decreased calib...
15  cards
GI Malignancies
Nodular tumors arising at the bif...,
Organisms associated with the dev...,
True about colon cancera lesions ...
18  cards

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