advanced financial accounting theory and practice

This class was created by Brainscape user navneet brar. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

Week 1.1: Pensions
What are pensions,
Private vs individual pension plan,
What are the 2 categories of pens...
11  cards
Week 1.2: Income tax
Whats the difference between defe...,
What is deferred tax,
What are the 2 differences betwee...
7  cards
Week 2: IFRS 9- Financial instruments
What does ifrs 9 financial instru...,
How does ias 32 define a financia...,
What is a financial liability
7  cards
Week 2: Assets held for sale
What is the objective of ifrs 5,
What is the definition of a disco...,
What are the conditions for somet...
5  cards
Week 3.1: Share-based payments
What are share based payments,
What are the benefits of share ba...,
What was the problem with share b...
9  cards
Week 3.2: Earnings per share
What is earning per share eps,
What is the formula for basic eps,
What happens to eps as number of ...
6  cards
Week 4.2: Accounting theories
What are the 3 types of theories ...,
What is the agency theory agency ...,
What is positive accounting theory
9  cards
Week 5.1: IAS 37 Provisions and contingencies
What is a provision,
What is a contingent liability,
What is a contingent asset
15  cards
Week 5.2: Leasing
What is a lease,
What does ifrs 16 not apply to,
Why might firms prefer to lease r...
7  cards
Week 9: Fair value
What are the 4 measurement bases,
What is historical cost,
What is fair value
10  cards
Week 10: Revenue recognition
What is revenue,
What are the complexities in acco...,
What factors affect the level of ...
5  cards

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advanced financial accounting theory and practice

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