anatomy and physiology

This class was created by Brainscape user alana hughes. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

skeletal system
What is the function of the skele...,
What are the two types of skeletons,
How many bones does an adult skel...
44  cards
bone cells and bone development
What is the function of an osteog...,
Name four type of bone cells,
What is the function of osteoblasts
10  cards
bone development stage one
Stage one
1  cards
muscular sytem
What are the five functions of th...,
What are the three types of muscl...,
Where is the skeletal muscle located
35  cards
muscular systems part 1
What are the 5 functions of muscle,
Describe movement as a function o...,
Describe heat production as a fun...
15  cards
muscular systems part 2
Function of tendon,
Function of epimysium,
17  cards
muscular system part 3
What are the three types of muscl...,
What happen when concentric contr...,
What happens when eccentric contr...
13  cards
muscular systems part 4
What is the function of golgi ten...,
What will the golgi tendon organ ...,
Where are muscle spindles located
9  cards
nervous system
What are the functions of the ner...,
What are the 2 types of nervous s...,
Where is the central nervous system
31  cards
components of the Brain
What does the cerebrum control,
What does the corpus collosum do,
What does the cerebellum do
9  cards
reflex arc
What is the sequence of reflex ar...
1  cards
types of neurons
What does a sensory neuron do,
What does a relay neuron do,
What does a motor neuron do
3  cards
cardiovascular system
What is the function of the cardi...,
What are the 5 blood vessels,
What is the average your blood be...
42  cards
lymphatic system
What does the lymphatic system co...,
What does lymph act as,
Where does the fluid enter and leave
30  cards
respiratory system part 1
What are the 6 functions of the r...,
What is in the upper portion of t...,
What is in the upper portion of t...
23  cards
respiratory system part 2 (gas exchange)
What are the two major functions ...,
What is the respiratory membrane ...,
What is the percentage of o2 co2 ...
8  cards
respiratory system (process of respiration)
When the external intercostal mus...,
Does the pressure of the lungs in...,
What muscles are involved in expi...
17  cards
respiratory system part 4 (brain)
What is the role of the medulla o...,
What does pons do,
What is the short term effect of ...
11  cards
energy systems
Why do we need every system,
What compounds store energy,
What compound removes a phosphate...
7  cards

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anatomy and physiology

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