biodiveristy and evoltion

This class was created by Brainscape user Joseph Beard. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Biodiveristy And Vertabrate Anatomy
Define taxonomy,
Define phylogeny,
What are three sources of evidenc...
10  cards
Reconstructing Phylogeny
What is cladistics based on the a...,
What is plesiomorphy,
What is symplesiomorphy
9  cards
Origin Of Life
What were conditions on the early...,
What are the molecules of life,
How can rna be used as a catalyst
8  cards
Endosymbiosis And The Origin Of Eukaryotes
What is the origin of eukaryotes,
How did eukaryotic cells evolve,
What is primary symbiosis
6  cards
Why is multicellularity so signif...,
What is the life cycle of myxobac...,
What are the benefits of multicel...
14  cards
Cambrian Explosion
Why is the cambrian explosion sig...,
Why is their little fossil eviden...,
What period came before the cambr...
8  cards
Why are fungi important in nature,
Why are fungi important to people,
Which kingdom are fungi closest r...
13  cards
Introduction To Animals And Non Bilaterians
What are choanoflagellates,
What is the group metazoa,
What ambiguities remain when look...
23  cards
What is the difference between a ...,
What are the characteristics of a...,
What is a coelom
17  cards
Fishes, Amphibians And Aminotes
What are the characteristics of a...,
What are the two classes of jawle...,
What are the characteristics of a...
25  cards
Birds And Mamals
Where did birds evolve from,
What are the key traits of birds,
Where did feathers come from
15  cards
Introduction To Protostomes
What are the key characteristics ...,
What are the groups within the pr...,
What is spiralia
8  cards
What are annelids,
What is metamerism,
What is the structure of each seg...
8  cards
Nematodes And Arthrapods
What are the key characteristics ...,
What are the nematode reproductiv...,
What are the characteristics of h...
13  cards
Seed Plants And Gymnosperms
What is the advantage of having p...,
What the four main groups of gymn...,
What are the characteristics of s...
14  cards
Where does fruit develop from,
What does angiosperm translate to,
What did flowers evolve from
8  cards

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biodiveristy and evoltion

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