This class was created by Brainscape user Alex Hill. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Unit 1
What are the 3 tenets in the cell...,
What are the 7 functions of life,
What three cell types challenge t...
24  cards
Unit 2
What is the layout of a contingen...,
Why is carbon the basis of all li...,
Similarities and differences betw...
8  cards
Unit 3.1 - Genes
1  cards
Unit 4
What is the layout of a contingen...,
Explain how coal is formed
2  cards
Unit 6.1 and Option D2 - Digestion etc.
What are the components within th...,
Give an example of an exocrine gland,
What are the typical elements of ...
10  cards
Unit 6.2 - Circulatory system
Explain the structure of the vein,
10  cards
Unit 6.3 and 11.1 - Response to Pathogens
What are antigens,
What are antibodies,
Explain how dendritic cells are f...
6  cards
Unit 6.6 and 11.4 - Sexual reproduction
What are the 5 different stages o...,
What cell is responsible for sper...,
Where does spermatozoa production...
9  cards
Unit 6.6 and Unit D5 - Hormones
What is the structure of the pitu...,
Difference between posterior and ...,
Explain the differences in steroi...
8  cards
Unit 6.4 and D6 - Respiratory system
Define ventilation gas exchange a...,
Purpose of ventillation,
Structure and function of both ty...
6  cards
Unit 7
What is the protein and region th...,
What is the protein and the regio...,
Roles of non coding dna
18  cards
Unit 8
How is the chloroplast adapted fo...,
What are metabolic reactions that...,
What are non competitive inhibitors
14  cards
Unit 11.3 - The Kidney
What is the function after the re...,
What happens after the bowman s c...,
What happens in the loop of henle
5  cards
Unit D3
State the vessels and their funct...,
State 3 functions of the liver 3 ...,
What is the make up of plasma pro...
7  cards
Unit D.1
What are essential nutrients,
What is malnutrition,
What are vitamins
8  cards
Unit D4
0  cards
Unit 10 - Genetics and Evolution
Define gene pool,
Explain the mechanisms whereby a ...,
Explain the types of selection
6  cards
Unit 9 - Plant Physiology
What are the features of a seed,
What are the factors required for...
2  cards

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