
This class was created by Brainscape user Eman Akhtar. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

What are monomers,
What are polymers,
Name 3 monomers
23  cards
How is a triglyceride formed,
How many condensation reactions a...,
How many bonds are found in each ...
19  cards
What are the monomers for protein,
All proteins contain which elements,
Why do proteins have a specific role
25  cards
What are enzymes,
What is special about the active ...,
Give the chemical reaction equation
28  cards
nucleic acids
What is dna,
What does dna consist of,
Which elements do nucleiotides co...
34  cards
What does atp consist of,
What are the uses of atp,
What is the function of atp
8  cards
How is hydrogen bonding formed in...,
What is cohesion,
What is adhesion
19  cards
inorganic ions
Where are inorganic ions found,
Hydrogen h acid hydroxide oh alkali,
Iron fe2 fe3
7  cards
Protein Synthesis
Difference between eukaryotes dna...,
Similarities between eukaryotes a...,
Where are intons found
34  cards
What determines an organisms char...,
What is an allele,
What is genetic diversity gene pool
24  cards
Studying cells
What is a eukaryotic cell,
Give examples of eukaryotic cells,
Name all the organelles in an ani...
63  cards
cell cycle and division
What are the stages of the cell c...,
What happenes in interphase,
What is nuclear division
39  cards
transporting across membranes
What attracts other polar molecules,
How does a bilayer form,
What is the word to describe the ...
37  cards
State 2 ways that pathogens cause...,
What is an antigen,
Why is the surface of all own cel...
58  cards
Digestion and absorbtion
What enzymes are found in the sal...,
What enzymes are found in the sto...,
What enzymes are found in the pan...
26  cards
gas exchange
What happens to the surface area ...,
Larger organisms have,
Smaller organisms have
38  cards
How do lungs provide an efficient...,
What is the structure and functio...,
What are bronchi
6  cards

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