
This class was created by Brainscape user Fraser King. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Animal cells
Are animal cells prokaryotic or e...,
6  cards
How much is 1cm in mm,
How much is 1mm in m,
How much is 1 m in nm
9  cards
Plant cells
Are plant cells prokaryotic or eu...,
Cell wall,
How do plants get energy
8  cards
Cell division + differentiation
What is cell division called,
Why do cells divide,
What is inside the nucleus
33  cards
Exchanging materials + SA/V ratio
How does surface area to volume r...,
Why can t larger and more complex...,
What materials need to be exchang...
7  cards
Specialisation in cells
When do most animal cells differe...,
When do most plant cells differen...,
What happens when a cell differen...
12  cards
Diffusion, osmosis and active transport in living organisms
What is diffusion,
Why does diffusion occur,
How do you increase rate of diffu...
26  cards
Eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells
Examples of eukaryotic cells,
Examples of prokaryotic cells,
How are prokaryotes different fro...
4  cards
DNA structure and protein synthesis
Where is dna found,
What is the function of dna,
Where are proteins synthesised
44  cards
The chemistry of food (unfinished)
What are the 3 main compounds tha...,
What are carbohydrates lipids and...,
What is metabolism
17  cards
The heart
What is the top left chamber of t...,
What is the top right chamber of ...,
What is the bottom left chamber o...
24  cards
The menstrual cycle
How long is the menstrual cycle,
What are the stages of the menstr...,
How many main stages are there in...
20  cards
Catalysts and enzymes
What is another name for enzymes,
What are catalysts,
What do enzymes interact with
37  cards
What is homeostasis,
Why do optimal conditions need to...,
What conditions are regulated by ...
10  cards
How many components are in the eye,
What are the components of the eye,
What are the ciliary muscles
18  cards

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