
This class was created by Brainscape user Lucy Martyniuk. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Characteristics Of Living Things
Growth and development
8  cards
What s the cell type of bacteria,
Is it unicellular or multicellular,
What type of metabolism does bact...
12  cards
What Is The Taxonamy And Order?
Did king phillip come over for go...,
Name 3 domains,
Name 6 kingdoms
3  cards
Classifying Living Organisms
Why do living organisms need to b...,
What are the different definition...,
What is taxonomy
4  cards
What is the cell theory,
What is unicellular,
What is multicellular
6  cards
What is the cell type of archaea,
Is archaea unicellular or multice...,
What is the metabolism of archaea
9  cards
What is the cell type of fungi,
How many cells does fungi have,
What is the metabolism of fungi
14  cards
Protists & Endosymbiotic Theory
How did eukaryotes develop,
Pieces of evidence,
Comparing these organelles to pro...
12  cards
How Does A Dichotomous Key Work?
How does a dichotomous key work
1  cards
What are viruses,
Are they made up of cells,
Do they have organelles
11  cards
What are plants,
Plants vs algae,
A few distinctions include
4  cards
What is the cell type of bacteria,
Are animal cells multicellular or...,
What is the metabolism of animals
16  cards
How To Tell If Something Is Alive
How can you tell if something is ...
1  cards
What Is Similar Between Animalia, Plantae, Protista, Fungi?
What is similar between animalia ...
1  cards
What is mitosis,
How many stages of mitosis,
What are the stages of mitosis ju...
11  cards
What are the stages of meiosis,
What is meiosis,
The 2 stages of meiosis
14  cards
What is heterozygous,
What is homozygous,
What would the name for bb
33  cards
What is evolution,
What are variations evolution,
What are structural adaptations e...
46  cards
0  cards

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