bolc final 2020

This class was created by Brainscape user michael english. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Military Terms And Symbology
What does secure mean,
What does seize mean,
What does clear mean
49  cards
Plan Convoy Operations
Troop leading procedures,
What are some examples of initiat...,
Some pointers for conduct route r...
15  cards
Conduct Tactical Convoy Operations
What is a baseline,
How to react to heavy traffic,
How to react to obsticles
25  cards
Army Health System Planning
What is the focus of the medical ...,
What are the medical planners res...,
What are the amedd functional areas
41  cards
Medical Platoon
Medical platoons are organic to w...,
How is a medic platoon broken down,
Where in the brigade does the bat...
26  cards
Medical Company
What is the role of the medical c...,
What are the types of medical com...,
What does the bsmc brigade suppor...
42  cards
Combat Organizations And Capabilities
Capabilities and limitations of a...,
Capabilities and limitations of s...,
Capabilities and limitations of i...
34  cards
Perform Effectively In An Operational Environment
What is the strategic environment,
What is an operational environment,
What is the strategic environment
26  cards
Army Health Command
The army health system is,
The army health system is called ...,
The army health system is distrib...
54  cards
Joint Medical Capabilities
What medical branches does the na...,
What is in a carrier strike group...,
What medical capabilities does th...
45  cards
What are plans and orders,
What do plans and orders provide,
How do plans and orders encourage...
36  cards
Ecnelons Above Brigade Medical Units
What medical functions are found ...,
What is the medical mission comma...,
What does medical command deploym...
53  cards

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bolc final 2020

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