This class was created by Brainscape user Deleted Deleted. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

CAD - COMPLETE DENTURES: retention and stability & problems and solutions
Define retention,
What is denture stability,
Retention can be achieved through...
48  cards
Principles of exodontia,
What happens 24 48 hours post ext...,
What happens 7 days post extraction
161  cards
What is gingival recession,
Name the two anatomical structure...,
Why recession occurs
65  cards
Third molar assessment
1 impacted 3rd molars are develop...,
2 what is the average eruption co...,
3 what are the 3 different types ...
103  cards
CAD - Intro to minor surgical technique
Define oral surgery,
What does oral surgery involve,
List the procedures that may be c...
80  cards
Role of trauma from occlusion in periodontal diseases
Describe the physiology of occlus...,
Define occlusal trauma,
How can we diagnose occlusal trauma
29  cards
Apical Surgery
49  cards
CAD Copy dentures and relines
What is a soft lining,
What are clinical indications of ...,
What two main material types are ...
19  cards
CAD - immediate complete dentures and additions
What is an immediate denture,
What do we need to consider prior...,
How does the lab construct immedi...
32  cards
Implant symposium
What are the 3 things you need to...,
What is the cover screw,
What is the healing abutment
78  cards
Management of Endodontics failure
Are pa lesions always present on ...,
What are two common reasons for f...,
What are the stages of treatment ...
10  cards
Toothwear (Management 2 and 3)
List the 4 treatment approaches f...,
What is the preventive advice str...,
What is the minimal intervention ...
13  cards
Toothwear- (Intro+Abrasion)
What problems do we as dentists f...,
What is dento alveolar compensation,
Define abrasion
5  cards
Third molar surgery
What is operculectomy and as part...,
Is operculectomy effective,
What is a common analgesia given
17  cards
Contemporary Prep and obturation
What is the expectation of rct ac...,
What are the two phases of chemo ...,
What are the two types of instrum...
31  cards
Toothwear (attrition + abfraction)
What is the clinical appearance o...,
Name some factors which lead to a...,
What is the definition of attrition
6  cards
1 what are the main problems with...,
2 how can surface texture be a pr...,
3 how can we manage the colour or...
55  cards

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