cbi: introduction to human immunology

This class was created by Brainscape user Danique Dijkema. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

Chapter 1: An overview
Cells of the innate immune system...,
D cytokine signalling to alert an...
12  cards
Chapter 2: The innate immune system
Innate immune system,
Complement system,
Alternative pathway
10  cards
Chapter 3: B cells and antibodies
Cells of the adaptive immune syst...,
Requirements for b cell activation,
C pathogen tailored antibody prod...
5  cards
Chapter 11: The intestinal immune system
Intestinal microbiota,
Mucus of intestinal system,
Under constant attack
5  cards
Chapter 1 AI generated
Describe the two main of the immu...,
What is the role of macrophages i...,
How do monocytes mature into macr...
20  cards
Chapter 2 AI generated
Describe the components of the in...,
Define the complement system and ...,
How does the alternative pathway ...
20  cards
Chapter 3 AI generated
Describe the role of aate antigen...,
What is the tiny region of an ant...,
How do bcrs send a signal to the ...
14  cards
Chapter 4 AI generated
Describe the process of antigen p...,
What is the role of tap1 and tap2...,
How are mhc ii molecules loaded w...
12  cards
Chapter 5 AI generated
Describe cross presentation in th...,
Define cd1 protein in the context...,
How do killer t cells contribute ...
17  cards
Chapter 6 AI generated
Describe the role of th1 cells in...,
Explain the function of th2 cells...,
Define the function of th17 cells...
14  cards
Chapter 7 AI generated
Describe the role of fdcs in the ...,
What is the function of high endo...,
How do lymphocytes enter a lymph ...
21  cards
Chapter 8 AI generated
Describe how babies receive diffe...,
Define the role of inducible regu...,
How do itreg cells restrain the i...
14  cards
Chapter 9 AI generated
Describe the process of central t...,
What is the role of cortical thym...,
Define positive selection in the ...
12  cards
Chapter 10 AI generated
Describe how nk cells recognize h...,
Define immunological memory in th...,
How does the innate immune system...
10  cards
Chapter 11 AI generated
Describe the role of memory b and...,
Define intestinal microbiota and ...,
How does the mucus in the small i...
12  cards
Lecture allergy
Describe the immunological respon...,
Do you think someone experiencing...,
Do you think someone experiencing...
29  cards
ICT Histology AI generated
Describe histology,
What is tissue fixation,
How are thin sections of tissue p...
23  cards
Cytokines AI generated
Describe the role of tgf in the i...,
What is the function of il 10 in ...,
Define th1 cells and their relati...
9  cards
Tutorial Celiac Disease AI generated
Describe the impact of high gluco...,
How can diabetes patients be treated,
Explain in layman terms what is w...
45  cards
Tutorial IBD AI generated
Describe the role of gluten prote...,
Define inflammatory bowel disease...,
How does the hygiene hypothesis r...
21  cards
Practical NBT assay AI generated
Describe the nbt assay in the con...,
What is the role of macrophages i...,
How is the color reaction in the ...
36  cards
Practical Zebrafish AI generated
Describe the aim of the experimen...,
What is oral tolerance in the con...,
Define dcs in the context of the ...
19  cards
Practical ELISA AI generated
Describe the role of antibodies i...,
What are the functions of fab reg...,
How do antibodies neutralize path...
51  cards

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cbi: introduction to human immunology

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