chemistry 3.2.2: reaction rates

This class was created by Brainscape user tulip saleh. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

Reaction rates
What is the definition of a rate ...,
What are the standard units of rate,
What are the factors that affect ...
7  cards
Monitoring the production of a gas using gas collection
Write the equation for the decomp...,
Write a method to find the produc...,
What explanations are consistent ...
3  cards
Monitoring mass loss
What is this method suitable for,
Describe a method in which we cou...
2  cards
Rates and the idea of excess or limiting factor
Explain the method,
Write the equation for the reacti...,
What would increasing the mass of...
8  cards
Activation energy
What is the definition of activat...,
How do reactions with large ea af...,
Does the thermal decomposition of...
4  cards
Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution
What happens to the rate if we in...,
What does the area under the curv...,
What should the graph always show
5  cards
Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution when temperature increases
What does the area under the curv...,
What does the shaded area under t...,
At a higher temperature what happ...
6  cards
Catalyst affecting reaction rate
How does a catalyst increase the ...,
Is a catalyst used up in an overa...,
What does a catalyst decrease
10  cards
Catalytic behaviour on an energy profile diagram
What does the energy profile diag...,
Does the catalyst alter the value...,
How do catalyst affect the condit...
4  cards
Types of catalyst
What are the two types of catalyst,
What are homogenous catalysts,
What do homogenous catalysts form
11  cards
Catalysts in industrial processes
Why are catalysts used in industr...,
How do catalysts increase sustain...,
Explain how catalysts are used in...
6  cards

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chemistry 3.2.2: reaction rates

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