This class was created by Brainscape user Leaden Menor. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (27)

1: Myth Defined
Etymology of myth,
Definition of myth
29  cards
2: Mythical Histoy
Bronze Age and Mycenaean Age
29  cards
3: Myths of Creation
Descendants of Chaos
20  cards
4: Zeus
Zeus coming of age,
What are the 3 major challenges z...,
Clash of titans story zeus
9  cards
4: Mortals
Versions of the creation of mortals,
Hesiod s myth of the 5 ages only ...,
Gold age
21  cards
5: Olympians
Who were the first generation of ...,
Who is hestia,
Origin and genealogy
10  cards
5: Zeus' Children
Children of zeus and hera,
Zeus and homosexuality,
Hephaestus genealogy
13  cards
7: Poseidon and Sea-Gods
Overview of poseidon,
Who were the 3 nereids,
Who are the gods of the deep
24  cards
8: Athena
Athena s conception and birth,
Athena s major characteristics,
Athena historical origins
16  cards
9: Aphrodite
Birth of aphrodite,
Historical origins of aphrodite,
Divine powers of aphrodite
25  cards
10: Artemis
Origin of artemis name and connec...,
Artemis from the homeric poems,
Classical artemis and what is she...
14  cards
11: Apollo
2 origins of apollo,
What is apollo god of,
Significane of name apollo
21  cards
12: Hermes
Parents of hermes,
Where was hermes born and what di...,
Story of apollo and hermes
9  cards
13: Dionysus
Who is dionysus the god of,
Conception of dionysus,
Zeus and persephone
22  cards
14: Demeter and Persephone
Genealogy of demeter and meaning ...,
Origin of persephone and divine p...,
Story of persephone abductiona an...
11  cards
15: Hades
Meaning of hades name and who is ...,
Epithets of hades,
Greek view of death
11  cards
16: Hades & Orpheus
Who is sisyphus and what did he do,
Who is ixion and what did he do,
Who are the danaids and what did ...
9  cards
17: Theban Saga
Myth types,
Greek heroes and cities in mycena...,
How many folktale motifs in greek...
15  cards
17: Oedipus
How is oedipus raised and meaning...,
Who is laius and what did he do
9  cards
17: Antigone
How does creon become king of thebes,
Defiant antigone and polarities,
Sophocles oedipus at colonus
11  cards
18: Mycenaean Saga
Story of tantalus and pelops,
Story of oneomaus and daughter,
Variant of pelops story
19  cards
19: Trojan Saga
Leda and zeus,
Who are the dioscuri,
Who do dioscuri join
15  cards
20: Odyssey
Story of homecoming of odysseus w...,
A complicated man,
Odysseus and calypso and meaning ...
24  cards
21: Perseus
Who is danae s father and his bro...,
What was the oracle regarding dan...,
Zeus and danae
15  cards
22: Heracles
Etymology of heracles and geograp...,
Historical origins,
Heracles the lion tamer
35  cards
23: Theseus and Attica
Theseus and attica,
Conception of theseus
20  cards
24: Jason, Medea, and the Argonauts
1  cards

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