This class was created by Brainscape user Katie Wilkinson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (25)

Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
Define pharmacokinetics,
Define pharmacodynamics,
Which is the only type of drug th...
40  cards
Neurones and Glia
What 2 main components make up th...,
How many neurones glia cells are ...,
What are the 3 types of glial cells
36  cards
Hypertension and Heart Failure
How do you calculate map,
What are the 2 key drivers to inc...,
What end organ damage can result ...
63  cards
What are the 4 main functions of ...,
What kind of things do the kidney...,
What endocrine substances do the ...
51  cards
Pharmacovigilance and Pharmacogenetics
What is pharmacovigilance,
Whos responsibility is it to repo...,
How many cases of an adr would ne...
22  cards
Reproductive and Post Reproductive Pharmacology
What molecule are sex hormones sy...,
What are the 2 forms of oesteroge...,
What kind of receptors are steroi...
35  cards
Where does most of the cholestero...,
Why is cholesterol essential for ...,
What is the problem with high cho...
28  cards
Describe the normal profile of pl...,
In a normal person what triggers ...,
In a normal person what triggers ...
50  cards
Clinical Trials
What is a clinical trial,
What are the 2 main purposes of a...,
What 3 things must a clinical tri...
35  cards
Evidence Based Medicine and Reviews of Evidence
What is biological plausibility,
What is evidence based medicine,
What are the 3 main values in evi...
19  cards
Cardiac Arrhythmia Drugs
What is,
What can cause arrhythmia,
What is the consequence of arrhyt...
53  cards
Antiplatelet and Fibrinolytic drugs
What is the difference between a ...,
What is the difference between th...,
How do venous thrombosis and arte...
35  cards
What are the 2 different pathways...,
What are the effects of prostanoi...,
36  cards
What is nociception,
What is pain,
Explain the seqence that occurs i...
36  cards
How can the different types of an...,
What is concious sedation,
What are the 4 stages of guedels ...
18  cards
Respiratory Pharmacology
What is asthma,
What should you always check befo...,
Describe the stepwise approach to...
39  cards
Immunosuppresion & disease modifying therapy
What is rheumatoid arthritis,
How is ra diagnosed,
What are the treatment goals for ...
36  cards
Cancer Chemotherapy
What is the fractional cell kill ...,
What cancers are highly sensitive...,
What cancers have modest sesnsiti...
36  cards
Antiemetics and Antidiarrhoeals
What is vomiting,
What is regurgitation,
What steps happen in the gi tract...
54  cards
GI Pharmacology
What are some of the symptoms of ...,
What are some of the complication...,
What medications can exacerbate t...
39  cards
What does bactericidal mean,
What does bacteriostatic mean,
Why might it be counterintuitive ...
28  cards
Describe the coagulation cascade,
What is the difference in the int...,
What is the deficiency in haemoph...
40  cards
What is a seizure,
What is the major excitatory neur...,
What is the major inhibitory neur...
42  cards
Neurological Pharmacology
What are some of the key clinical...,
What are some of the non motor ma...,
What is the underlying pathologic...
36  cards
Poisoning and STOPP-START
Explain why most pharmacological ...,
What are secondary toxicity effects,
Give some examples of how poor pr...
14  cards

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clinical pharmacology

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