comp37212 - comp vis

This class was created by Brainscape user Isabel Draper. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Week 1 - Image Processing
What are the four ways we can rep...,
What is a grayscale image function,
What is an image landscape
45  cards
Week 2 - Image Features: Edges
Why are edges important,
What are edges,
What is edge location in terms of...
36  cards
Week 3 - Hough Transforms
How do we rearrange a line equati...,
How do we fine line intercepts pr...,
What happens in the array if the ...
21  cards
Week 4 - Segmentation and Clustering p1,2
What is grouping,
What is the gestalt principle,
What are the gestalt factors
42  cards
Week 4 - Segmentation and Clustering p3,4
What is model free clustering,
What is mean shift clustering,
What is a mode
38  cards
Week 5 - Model based Vision
What is model based vision,
Wha is principle component analysis,
What is dimensionality reduction
31  cards
Week 5 and 6 - Local Features
What is the motivation of using l...,
What are local invariant descriptors,
What is image based object recogn...
47  cards
Week 6 and 7 - Local Features
What is exhaustive search in corn...,
What is wrong with exhaustive search,
How can we use automatic scale se...
37  cards
Week 7 and 8 - Stereo and Epipolar geometry
What is the goal of stereo geometry,
What visual cues does an image gi...,
What is stereo vision
70  cards
Week 8 - Image stitching
What is panorama stitching,
What is the issues with just dire...,
What is the first step of image s...
49  cards
Weel 9 - Object Recognition and Categorisation
What is indexing with local features,
Why is the,
What is inverted file index
49  cards
Week 10 - Face detection
What is the drone gps problem,
What is the problem with gps,
What are gps blockers
50  cards

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comp37212 - comp vis

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