This class was created by Brainscape user James Miles. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (26)

1.1.1 - Structure and Function of the Processor
What operations does the arithmet...,
What is the function of the contr...,
Name the five registers in the cpu
43  cards
1.1.2 - Types of Processor
Name the two different types of p...,
Describe the features of a risc p...,
Describe the features of a cisc p...
11  cards
1.1.3 - Input, Output and Storage
What is the definition of an inpu...,
What is the definition of an outp...,
Name two examples of input devices
25  cards
1.2.1 - Systems Software
What does the operating system mean,
Name four tasks that the operatin...,
Name the two types of memory mana...
46  cards
1.2.2 - Applications Generation
Name the two types of software,
What is applications software use...,
Name two examples of applications...
43  cards
1.2.3 - Software Development
What happens during the analysis ...,
What happens during the design st...,
What happens during the developme...
27  cards
1.2.4 - Types of Programming Language
What is a programming paradigm,
What are the two broad categories...,
What are two examples of the impe...
46  cards
1.3.1 - Compression, Encryption and Hashing
What is compression,
What are the advantages of compre...,
What are the two types of compres...
15  cards
1.3.2 - Databases
What is an entity,
What is a relational database,
What is a flat file database
45  cards
1.3.3 - Networks
What is a network,
What are the two types of network,
What is a lan
57  cards
1.3.4 - Web Technologies
What is html,
What are the two sections of an h...,
What is the html syntax for a hea...
32  cards
1.4.1 - Data Types
What is an integer,
What is a real float,
What is a character
37  cards
1.4.2 - Data Structures
What is an array,
What does a zero index mean,
What is a list
25  cards
1.4.3 - Boolean Algebra
What are the four boolean operations,
What is a truth table,
What is a d type flip flop
8  cards
1.5.1 - Computing Related Legislation
What are the four computing relat...,
What does the data protection act...,
How many conditions of the data p...
10  cards
1.5.2 - Moral and Ethical Issues
What are ethics,
What are morals,
What are the benefits of using co...
13  cards
2.1 - Elements of Computational Thinking
What is abstraction,
What is caching,
What are inputs
10  cards
2.2.2 - Computational Methods
What is backtracking,
What is a computable problem,
What are computational methods
11  cards
2.3.1 - Analysis, Design and Comparison of Algorithms
What are the two features that mu...,
What is time complexity,
What is space complexity
17  cards
2.3.2 - Algorithms for Main Data Structures
What is a stack,
How do you check the size of a stack,
How do you check if a stack is empty
27  cards
2.3.3 - Sorting Algorithms
What is the purpose of a sorting ...,
What are the four sorting algorithms,
How does a bubble sort work
10  cards
2.3.4 - Searching Algorithms
What is a search algorithm,
How does a binary search work,
What needs to be done before doin...
6  cards
2.3.5 - Pathfinding Algorithms
What is the purpose of a pathfind...,
What are the two types of pathfin...,
What can graphs be used to symbolise
5  cards
Incorrect Answers
What is meant by problem recognition,
What is a difference between a tr...,
What are two advantages of visual...
57  cards
Paper 2 - Incorrect Answers
What is meant by problem recognition,
What is a difference between a tr...,
What are two advantages of visual...
38  cards
Searches and Sorts
What is the pseudocode for the bi...,
What is the pseudocode for the li...,
What is the pseudocode for the bu...
4  cards

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computer science

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