This class was created by Brainscape user David Godwin. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Lecture 1
What are the main parts of a comp...,
What is instruction level paralle...,
What is a dependency
24  cards
Lecture 2
What are the three types of bus line,
If the bus is 16 bit bit what is ...,
What does the data line do
8  cards
Whats the point of the cache,
What are the four algorithms for ...,
What are some of the key things t...
18  cards
Try to explain deadlock in a sent...,
What are the four conditions for ...,
Explain mutual exclusion in relat...
10  cards
What four categories comprise use...,
Describe a user register,
What do general registers do
21  cards
The Instruction Cycle
What are the three subcategories ...,
Describe fetch,
Describe execute
8  cards
What does a multiprogramming syst...,
What word is used to describe the...,
What is a process what three thin...
30  cards
What two things does a process ha...,
Where do threads come in,
Describe the way of thinking abou...
25  cards
Memory management without virtual memory
What is the thing called in the o...,
What does the memory manager do,
What is the easiest form of memor...
24  cards
Virtual memory
What do most virtual memory syste...,
What is the basic idea of virtual...,
What is another term for a progra...
52  cards
Where are multiple jobs managed,
What kind of alternation takes pl...,
The key to multiprogramming is x
85  cards
Interprocess Communication
Whats the point of interprocess c...,
What are the three key things int...,
Define race condition
24  cards
What are the three key elements t...,
What effect did high level langua...,
Define semantic gap in terms of c...
42  cards
Superscalar Processes
A superscalar processor architect...,
Superscalars are designed to i th...,
Define instruction level parallelism
18  cards
What are the four main units that...,
Cpu controls the o of the compute...,
Main memory s d
15  cards
I o devices can be split into two...,
A block devise is one that s info...,
A character device d or a a s of ...
52  cards
File Systems
Information stored in files must ...,
There are three essential require...,
A file is a type of u
22  cards

More about
computer systems

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