This class was created by Brainscape user Tahlia Wasserman. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Quiz 1
What is wellness,
Where do pts fit in wellness,
What is primary care
96  cards
Quiz 2
pain lecture and CT lecture
191  cards
Quiz 3
skeleton and tendons
171  cards
Muscle Pathophysiology and Treatment
As you age does csa of type 2 fib...,
What are the 3 factors that influ...,
How does temperature affect
67  cards
Articular Cartilage Pathophysiology and Treatment
What is the fluid portion of arti...,
What is the solid portion of arti...,
T f adult cartilage is separated ...
56  cards
Quiz #4
What causes myofascial compartmen...,
Where is myofascial compartment s...,
Why is myofascial compartment syn...
271  cards
Quiz #5
What is osteomyelitis,
What bones are typically affected...,
What can osteomyelitis lead to
133  cards
Quiz #6
What are common factors that lead...,
What findings may overlap b w var...,
How do we differentiate shoulder ...
142  cards
Quiz #7
What is subacromial impingment sy...,
What is the etiology of subacromi...,
What are the extrinsic factors of...
171  cards
Exam 2
Soft Tissue Disorders to Shoulder Complex (Quiz 4 to present)
48  cards
Quiz #8
Loss of sensation on volar and do...,
Intact sensation of the dorsal me...,
Weakness of medial hand with stro...
146  cards
Quiz #9
Do scfes happen more in younger o...,
What is the most common disorder ...,
What is scfe
275  cards
Quiz #10
What is the role of the ankle joint,
When the ankle is becoming a mobi...,
When the ankle is becoming a rigi...
215  cards
Exercise Principles
Where are muscle spindles located,
What do muscles spindles do,
Muscles spindles are constantly u...
24  cards

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dpt 516

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