[ecg] conditions, risk factors, signs, differentials, on ecg and xray

This class was created by Brainscape user Felipe L. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (39)

Respiratory conditions, signs, causes and differentials
Signs of hypercapnia,
Signs of hypoxia,
Why does cor pulmonale happen wha...
60  cards
What are the gram negative organi...,
What are the gram positive organi...,
What is a yeast
10  cards
Autoimmune Conditions, Signs, Causes And Differentials
What is vasculitis,
What is takayasu vasculitis,
What is giant cell arteritis
16  cards
Chest Xray Signs and how to read CXR
Cxr signs of copd,
What does air under the diaphragm...,
When we see sutures and a metal v...
16  cards
ECG Signs and differentials
Ecg changes in cor pulmonale,
Signs of severe hyperkalemia,
Normal ecg what needs to be normal
24  cards
Renal/urinary risk factors and complications
What are the risk factors for dev...,
What are the complications of chr...,
What do ckd patients normally die...
10  cards
Cardiovascular conditions, signs, causes and differentials
Chest discomfort differentials,
Breathlessness differentials,
Palpitation differentials
118  cards
Cardiovascular Risk Factors and complications
What are the major risk factors for,
Risk factors for ventricular fibr...,
Supraventricular tachycardia risk...
14  cards
Respiratory Risk Factors And Complications
Risk factors for asthma,
What are the complications of pne...,
What are the risk factors for hos...
3  cards
Bruising on upper limb what are y...,
Which tract carries proprioceptio...
2  cards
Gastrointestinal conditions Signs, causes And Differentials
Causes of metabolic acidosis,
What are the causes of metabolic ...,
What is irritable bowel syndrome
82  cards
Liver, Biliary And Pancreatic conditions, Signs, Causes And Differentials
What are the two classifications ...,
What are the causes of obstructiv...,
Why does obstructive jaundice cau...
85  cards
Liver, Biliary And Pancreas Risk Factors And Complications
What are possible complications o...,
What are the complications of hep...,
What are the complications of hep...
13  cards
CNS Conditions, Signs, Causes And Differentials
Which structures can cause headache,
What is a secondary headache,
Can you think of examples of a pr...
100  cards
CNS risk Factors And Complications
What are the risk factors for mig...,
What are the risk factors for men...,
What are the potential complicati...
4  cards
Electrolyte Conditions, Signs, Causes and differentials
What are the signs of hypercalcemia,
What is the commonest cause of hy...
2  cards
Genitourinary Conditions, Signs, Causes And Differentials
What are the differentials for a ...
1  cards
Haematology (clotting) Conditions, Signs, Causes And Differentials
What are the warning signs of the...,
What are the differentials for a ...,
What is haemophilia a
25  cards
Haematology (clotting) Risk Factors And Complications
Which other condition is the most...,
What proportion of patients with ...,
What is virchow s triad of risk f...
8  cards
Thyroid Conditions, Signs, Causes And Differentials
Why does post partake throiditis ...,
What are the signs of hyperthyroi...,
What are the signs of graves disease
20  cards
Thyroid Risk Factors And Complications
Why is hypothyroidism a risk fact...,
What are the risk factors for pos...,
What are the risk factors for hyp...
7  cards
Pituitary Gland Conditions, Signs, Causes And Differentials
In a post partum haemorrhage what...
1  cards
Adrenal Gland Conditions, Signs, Causes And Differentials
What is primary hyperaldosteronism,
What are the signs of hyperaldost...,
What are the causes of primary hy...
8  cards
Ocular/orbital Conditions, Signs, Causes And Differentials
What are the signs of hypertensiv...
1  cards
Functional Gastrointestinal Conditions, Signs, Causes And Differentials
What is globes,
What is rumination syndrome,
What is aerophagia
3  cards
Chest malignancy signs, causes and differentials
What non metastatic manifestation...,
What are the causes of bronchial ...,
What is a primary pleural carcino...
21  cards
Chest malignancy Risk Factors And Complications
What broad categories of lung can...,
What are the possible complicatio...,
When lung cancer metastasises to ...
11  cards
Iatrogenic: Transfusions- Emergency Conditions, Signs, Causes And Differentials
What are the most common complica...,
What is transfusion related acute...,
What are the signs of transfusion...
9  cards
Skeletal Conditions, Signs, Causes And Differentials
What is paget s disease,
What are the signs of paget s dis...
2  cards
Oesophagophyarngeal Conditions, Signs, Causes And Differentials
What is a pharyngeal pouch aka ze...,
What are the signs and symptoms o...,
What are some differentials for d...
13  cards
Oesophagopharyngeal Risk Factors And Complications
What are the risk factors for bar...,
What are the risk factors for oes...,
Where do oesophageal cancers meta...
3  cards
Gastrointestinal Risk Factors And Complications
What are the risk factors for pep...,
What are the complications of pep...,
What are the risk factors for dev...
7  cards
Haematological (lymphatic and bone marrow, inc anaemia) Signs, Causes And Differentials
What are the two broad categories...,
What are the most common causes o...,
What is a common tonsilar lymphad...
68  cards
Haematological (lymphatic and bone marrow) Risk Factors And Complications
What are the risk factors for mal...,
Which age groups are most at risk...,
What are the risk factors for chr...
7  cards
Gastrointestinal Malignancy Conditions, Signs, Causes And Differentials
What is the most common symptom o...,
What is lynch syndrome,
What is the pathophysiological se...
12  cards
Gastrointestinal Malignancy Risk Factors And Complications
What are the risk factors for gas...,
What are the risk factors for col...
2  cards
Abdominal Xray Signs And How To Read An AXR
What is the system for reading an...,
Why is it unusual to see solid st...,
Why might you see large bowel dil...
7  cards
Renal/urinary Conditions, Signs, Causes And Differentials
What are the three processes that...,
What are the renal conditions tha...,
Which test result would point tow...
69  cards
Parathyroid Conditions, Signs, Causes Amd Differentials
What is primary hyperparathyroidism,
What are the signs of primary hyp...,
How is primary hyperparathyroidis...
5  cards

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[ecg] conditions, risk factors, signs, differentials, on ecg and xray

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