This class was created by Brainscape user Maisie Flavell. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Material Deprivation
What is material deprivation,
How is poverty and educational ac...,
Overcrowding and educational achi...
18  cards
Cultural Capital
Pierre bourdieu,
Middle class
12  cards
What is marketisation,
The market place
2  cards
Internal differences in ethnic differences in achievement
What are internal factors,
What is labelling,
Teachers and labelling
11  cards
Functionalist perspective on Education
What does durkheim say about educ...,
Social solidarity,
Modern industrial economies
13  cards
Neoliberalism and New Right perspective on education
Neoliberals and education,
The new right
13  cards
Marxist perspective on education
Capitalist class,
Louis althusser
24  cards
Internal factors in class differences in education
What is streaming,
Working class children and streams,
How does being placed in a lower ...
9  cards
Explanations of gender differences in subject choice
What is gender role socialisation,
Early socialisation and gender id...,
Schools and gender identities
20  cards
Cultural deprivation
What is cultural equipment,
Educational success,
Working class families
32  cards
Internal differences in class differences in achievement
What is labelling,
Teacher labelling,
Howard becker study
9  cards
Self fufilling prophecy
What is the self fufilling prophecy,
Step 1
9  cards
Pupil Subcultures
What is a pupil subculture,
What is differentiation,
What is polarisation
18  cards
Pupil identities
What is habitus,
Examples of habitus,
Group habitus
8  cards

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  • Class purpose General learning

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